I had the above about 2 weeks ago to help resolve sleep apnea after a motorcycle accident when I was young resulting in abnormal jaw growth. I had orthodontia in my teens which, while fixing my bite, seems to have caused further breathing and esthetic issues.
After surgery, I ended up with some esthetic and functional complications. I was banded after surgery but these were removed because I had a very strong globus sensation and difficulty swallowing easily--posteriorly, my airway seems clear but, strangely, the space between my palate/uvula and back of my tongue is smaller? My mouth hangs open now and if I close it the sensation and swallowing difficulties return--its very claustrophobic feeling. I also have some hearing issues which is apparently due to significant stretching of the Eustachian tube with the large advancement I had. Lastly, the esthetic outcome has been very poor. Obviously, I still have significant swelling, but I would say 80% of it down and I can easily feel the bony structure underneath the soft tissue--this, along with seeing the angle and location of my incisors, I can infer the final product with a degree of confidence. Despite a 12mm+ MMA forward with slight CCW and a 10mm genio, my chin is still significantly behind my lips and I now have profound mesognathic projection--I look like I have an extra large mouth guard in at all times--quite "chimpish."
This whole thing has been incredibly devastating.
So my q's:
Anyone experienced with revisions? In particular, revisions very shortly after the initial surgery? Anybody have issues with their hearing--was is resolved? How? Do we know how much more risk there is with nerve damage and other things with a revisions given that I will have very little time to recover from this one before I jump back in?
What a mess....