Author Topic: How do I convince them? Suggestions  (Read 1218 times)


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How do I convince them? Suggestions
« on: February 28, 2016, 03:16:39 AM »
I would like to convince my ortho to push my teeth forward, expecially the left part, but I want to explain how the story goes..
Let start from the beginning.. As I wrote in another tread I allways thought about retrusion of my dental arch from the final part of the ortho treatment, and i'm not going to bother you writing my thoghts about it again,
but here is another aspect I never wrote about:
At that time, the first thing I noticed was the asymmetry between the right and the left part of the under eyes area and cheek soft tissues, I passed a lot of time trying to explain it to the doctors but they allways tried to deny that the treatment could have caused it,they agreed anyway about the existence of the asymmetry, they agreed about the fact that dental position affects the soft tissues, but they contradicted themself saying that orthodontic cannot create assymetries.
orthos never convinced me with their lack of ability of explaining the issue, one of them even started to suggest me to have an injection, a cheek filler for covering the asymmetry.. when I just knew it was a dental problem from the beginning.
So.. Recently I made a dental impression, (I wanted it to be clear.. at least to me)and it is even more clear than I thought..
my left arch is backward in respect to the right one, you can clearly see it from the impression.. now everything suits perfectly with my theory.. one part of my face is more retruded then the other, and the arch is an actual proof.
What I wanted to ask to you guys is this: how do I convince the orthos? They will deny again and I don't know what to do, but this is the only possibility I have to change the situation, I'm just motivated.


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Re: How do I convince them? Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2016, 03:00:34 PM »
Do you have a class 1 occlusion?

Why don't you ask another orthodontist or consult with some surgeons about the effects of tissue change due to dental positioning. Or search for research papers.

Secondly, did you notice this perceived asymmetry before orthodontic treatment? It is possible that, if you didn't examine or make note of it prior to orthodontic treatment, then it could have in fact existed and you just weren't aware of it. And now that you've had orthodontic treatment you are a lot more self-aware and self-examining and have attributed the asymmetry to the treatment..? Just because you took impressions doesn't mean the treatment caused it, and in which case you are exhibiting confirmation bias.

Lastly, in your other thread you look very symmetrical, have excellent forward facial growth and strong facial features. By all objective measures you are good looking. It blows my mind that you are on this website. I know appealing to worse problems is a logical fallacy, but there are people here with serious issues that really warrant cutting their skulls open and undergoing orthodontic treatment. It's hard to take your situation seriously when I can't even see any noticeable asymmetries in your photographs.

I may be wrong and just can't see it. But if I'm not, get off this website and enjoy your life. This whole jaw surgery journey is such an inconvenient waste of time and I wish my life wasn't consumed by it if it didn't have to be. Go live your life OP.


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Re: How do I convince them? Suggestions
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2016, 09:33:33 PM »
If your current ortho doesn't agree, the only thing to do is consult with another ortho or a surgeon.  I'd personally find a reputable surgeon and explain the issues.