One side of my face looks really skeletal - yep, only one side. I have a prominent cheekbone, really gaunt and hollow cheek and prejowl drooping. But the other side is fine, it's more softer/round. I can't work out what has happened. All I can think is muscle atrophy?
Has anyone had that happen?
Background: I haven't had jaw surgery yet, only ortho + extractions as a teen, then wisdom teeth removal + now more ortho.
Take a look at this girl on realself who had botox in her masseters. One side of my face has the same shape as in her after photo. you think a BSSO will make my gaunt side look even more exaggerated? I don't want it to get any worse. I'll start chewing more on that side, in hopes it'll build up. (But I already have worn down jaw joints so it's probably not the greatest of plans!!). I don't think it could be due to age-related fat loss - fat loss would happen more symmetrical, right?
What do you think could help? Fat grafting, fillers?
Can any type of jaw surgery improve hollowness under the cheekbone?