Yeah, the alar rims can scar inwards and upwards, leaving retracted nostrils and asymmetry... this was an issue after my primary. Be careful who you go to, some docs can fix this and some very reputable surgeons cannot.
The paper consultation was very useful, they'll do a full analysis of your face and give you a report telling you which areas you are deficient in, jaws, teeh, cheek bones, the lot. Then you can skype with them to talk it over. My treatment plan didn't change, the analysis from the paper consult was virtually the same as the in person. Dr Gunson will provide morphs, if you ask.
If I was you, I wouldn't bother with more implants. I don't think they're the long term answer and I suspect you still won't be happy after having them. I know it's frustrating and you just want to 'fix things now', but I'd save the money and put it towards a permanent fix... whatever that may be.
Chin wings are done in Europe, Germany and Switzerland, perhaps some other countries.