my jaws have a Class 2 relationship (maxilla more forward than mandible), around 9mm.
My teeth have a Class 1 occlusion, as a result of camouflage orthodontics in my youth.
Basically, the lower incissors are flared to the front to correct a good bite.
However, I suffer from the typical Class 2 skelettal problems: recessed chin, mentalis strain, lip incompetence, small airways and retainer in lower arch. Overall profile is still the typical Class 2 profile, giving a bad visual impression in daily life.
Talked to a surgeon and the told me he can't move my mandible forward because of the Class 1 occlusion - I would basically need an overjet again.
Is there any solution for this?
This is really silly, as the orthodontist in my youth basically blocked the route to the correct treatment of mandible advancement.
And there must be many millions of people all over the world suffering from the same problems and getting told by dentists "your teeth are fine"...