Before/After Photos > Overbites

Weighing up surgery or not

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Any thoughts on the above post guys?

Don't get extractions. Your chin is fine I'm a bit perplexed about why they would reccommend genioplasty. Your profile/face looks decent to me.

Your teeth for sure aren't straight so you could look into damon braces or some kind of orthodontic work for sure. Some might say your teeth as they are have 'character' and add to your individuality in a good way but if you want to go for more of a hollywood suave look then totes go for orthodontist but without extractions if possible...

Definitely no to the genioplasty. Thats madness. also your nose and lips are well supported by your teeth/jaws so already even with crooked teeth you arguably have a more attractive face than most/many people who had extractions and orthodontics in the growth phases of their youth.

Yeah my opinion would be not to have surgery unless this is something you one hundred percent feel you want and have to do. I'm not a professional or anything obviously but thats just my answer. (Definitely don't go for a genioplasty!)


--- Quote from: mynameis on April 18, 2017, 05:52:54 PM ---Yeah my opinion would be not to have surgery unless this is something you one hundred percent feel you want and have to do. I'm not a professional or anything obviously but thats just my answer. (Definitely don't go for a genioplasty!)

--- End quote ---

Thanks very much for your replies. Just wondering why no the genioplasty? The genio was suggested as a possible way if lengthening the lower part of my face. Something that
has always bothered me. I asked the surgeon about my chin, that is already pronounced, so he said he would be rotating the chin aswell as lengthening the lower part of the face. My side profile isn't that bad I think it is more from the front where I have suggested. There would be no fee for this surgery as it would be carried out on the UK's healthcare system.

I said no genioplasty because I thought your chin looked like a decent length already.

If it's free and you don't mind going through the pain/risk/recovery, then I guess you could go for it. Ask the surgeon if you didn't like the result would it be easy to reverse.

if he says yes then if you weren't happy you could get it reversed for free also and hopefully have peace of mind (and hopefully without any long term numbness etc).

If I saw you in the street I wouldn't think to myself, 'That guy needs jaw surgery' or 'that guy needs genioplasty' or 'that guys facial development is not ideal'. And believe me I do sometimes think those things privately.


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