General Category > Aesthetics

Please analyze my profile

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Not happy at all with my profile. I'm not really sure whether it's my mandibe or chin that's weak. Maybe both?

Would a chin wing be sufficient in getting the horizontal and also the vertical projection needed for my chin? Or should I go for a bimax? One well-known surgeon in UK told me that a genioplasty would give me like 80% of what a bimax would aesthetically. Either way I've booked a chin wing surgery for this summer, but not sure if it's the right choice. Would appreciate any comments.

your mandibular incisors are compensated because the mandible is too short (incisor angle to mandible is 113° vs 90° for a normal lower jaw).

for jaw surgery you would need to extract two lower jaw premolars and pull the entire front back to create an overjet. I had this done and it's very time consuming, you might be happy with a chin wing as it is a quick and easy fix.

Thanks for your reply.

Would a genioplasty/chin wing with like 7-8mm movement both horizontal and vertical be sufficient? Will the labiomental fold be even deeper? Damn, maybe I should go for a bimax. I'm not after the perfect result, just wanna balance out my profile...

You don't need bimax, your bite looks good. You just need a genioplasty for advancement and height. There's no point paying an extra £10k for bimax if you don't need it with the risks involved.

Thanks for all the inputs. I'll opt for a genioplasty and then get on with life. No point in obsessing.


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