Author Topic: Can You Guys Analyze My CTP?  (Read 4344 times)


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Re: Can You Guys Analyze My CTP?
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2016, 10:38:43 PM »
Interesting. I thought CCW always results in a shorter and wider face....

Based on the ceph, can you see this having a major aesthetic benefit?

You can see it right there in the red - no change to vertical dimension.

Only if they are removing bone vertically (anterior maxillary impaction) would CCW rotation shorten the face.  But in your case, given the red post-op scenario, the back of the maxilla comes down.  This means they are achieving CCW rotation without altering the front of your jaws.  The back teeth come down instead of the front teeth coming up.

Yes, you would look much better aesthetically with adequate chin projection.


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Re: Can You Guys Analyze My CTP?
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2016, 12:09:32 PM »
I know the analyses and points/lines thereof, but what do these numbers mean on the CTP?

Some of them look like they're measurements from how far away from the TVL. Like especially when looking at the base of the nose, the lips, chin... but then none of the other numbers makes sense, so I don't know..