Author Topic: My bottom teeth hit my top teeth because my lower jaw wants to come forward  (Read 7714 times)


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Does anyone else have this problem?  My front lower bottom teeth hit the back of my top teeth before my molars touch.  I have to consciously pull my lower jaw back a little to have a proper bite and I cant keep my teeth closed like this for any length of time.  Plus it always feels like my lower jaw wants to swing forward but my top jaw cant allow this.   Anyone??
The more I learn about the gamble that is jaw surgery the more afraid I become!!!   :-(


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Does anyone else have this problem?  My front lower bottom teeth hit the back of my top teeth before my molars touch.  I have to consciously pull my lower jaw back a little to have a proper bite and I cant keep my teeth closed like this for any length of time.  Plus it always feels like my lower jaw wants to swing forward but my top jaw cant allow this.   Anyone??

This happens to me multiple times a day. I had copious amounts of cement put on my back teeth to help prevent this, but I grind it away so fast my teeth have cracks in them from the strain. Have you had bite blocks put in before? They're part of my treatment to protect the brackets and teeth while they move the teeth, it might help you if you already have braces in.


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This happens to me multiple times a day. I had copious amounts of cement put on my back teeth to help prevent this, but I grind it away so fast my teeth have cracks in them from the strain. Have you had bite blocks put in before? They're part of my treatment to protect the brackets and teeth while they move the teeth, it might help you if you already have braces in.

No I never had any treatment for this and I didnt even know treatment existed.  Are you just wearing braces or will you also have jaw surgery?
The more I learn about the gamble that is jaw surgery the more afraid I become!!!   :-(


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No I never had any treatment for this and I didnt even know treatment existed.  Are you just wearing braces or will you also have jaw surgery?

I haven't had a date set for surgery yet, I need to have my TMJ operated on as I have a dislocated disk which is causing an asymmetrical bite and pain when I chew. My ortho is leaning towards surgery, the surgeon is being antsy, so we'll see!


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Icy, what type of TMJ surgery are you having?
Both my discs are non-salvagable (displaced and torn for many years).

I had bite cement on first couple of months into ortho too (I had a deep bite)
Hated them! They made me to grind which brought on TMJ pain. I asked for them to be taken off. Alot of people have them with no problems though.

How long have you been in braces for so far?


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Icy, what type of TMJ surgery are you having?
Both my discs are non-salvagable (displaced and torn for many years).

I had bite cement on first couple of months into ortho too (I had a deep bite)
Hated them! They made me to grind which brought on TMJ pain. I asked for them to be taken off. Alot of people have them with no problems though.

How long have you been in braces for so far?

I have extra bone in my right TMJ, so the dislocated disc can't return to its proper place and that's causing pain and asymmetry. I'll need arthroplasty and possible disc replacement, hoping it's straightforward! I've been in braces for the second time since last September, my surgery will probably be delayed though as I've been extremely ill for the last month with pneumonia so I don't think my lungs would be strong enough for anaesthesia, will see at my next consultation.


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Does anyone else have this problem?  My front lower bottom teeth hit the back of my top teeth before my molars touch.  I have to consciously pull my lower jaw back a little to have a proper bite and I cant keep my teeth closed like this for any length of time.  Plus it always feels like my lower jaw wants to swing forward but my top jaw cant allow this.   Anyone??

Same here, I believe it's called a posterior open bite. None of my molars or premolars touch, only my bottom front teeth hitting the backs of my upper incisors and eye teeth.


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Same here, I believe it's called a posterior open bite. None of my molars or premolars touch, only my bottom front teeth hitting the backs of my upper incisors and eye teeth.

a posterior open bite??  Thanks!!  Im going to look that up. 
The more I learn about the gamble that is jaw surgery the more afraid I become!!!   :-(


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I've got this problem too, keeps me awake at night. There is no comfortable resting position for my jaw. I'm constantly clenching my teeth to seek some molar contact but the bulk of the pressure remains at the front. My overbite only displays as 4mm which is not seen as problematic, unfortunately they don't take into account the multi factorial nature of this problem.


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I've got this problem too, keeps me awake at night. There is no comfortable resting position for my jaw. I'm constantly clenching my teeth to seek some molar contact but the bulk of the pressure remains at the front. My overbite only displays as 4mm which is not seen as problematic, unfortunately they don't take into account the multi factorial nature of this problem.

Ben this is EXACTLY my problem EXACTLY!!!  Its worse at night when I try to use my CPAP and there is no comfortable position for my jaw.  It actually kept me up last night until 3am. I also have a tiny almost negligible overbite that is not seen as problematic but they (the dentists & orthodontists i've seen about this) aren't taking into consideration that my lower jaw is "trapped" behind my upper.  Its driving me crazy and Im already depressed knowing there are so many skeletal defects to my face.  And if I hear one more time that "my face is fine" or 'its all in your head" I might just kick someone in their teeth!  I also have sleep apnea so I know my jaws are recessed and my face is not fine.
The more I learn about the gamble that is jaw surgery the more afraid I become!!!   :-(


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Jimmythegent. Good to hear from you. Its nice not to be alone on this.


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Jimmythegent. Good to hear from you. Its nice not to be alone on this.

It was driving me nuts last night as a matter of fact!!  I sleep with a CPAP machine and try to breath through my nose but its hard when you have a chronic stuffy nose and your jaw doesn't close correctly.  Are all your teeth supposed to touch when you are at rest?  I mean, does the normal person keep their teeth closed and touching throughout the day?  I dont.  My lips may close by my jaws are open a few MM. 
The more I learn about the gamble that is jaw surgery the more afraid I become!!!   :-(


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Yeah my nose is stuffy too. It ranges from not too bad to completely blocked. It's really distressing at times, I often wake up at 5am with a blocked nose even if I went to sleep at 1am. Sometimes it blocks and unblocks all night and I sleep really bad and feel fatigued all day modern useless f**king medicine doesn't see it as a problem though. They want to give anti depression medication.

I personally think that yes the teeth should be lightly touching. I think the overbite should be no more the 2mm.

My overbite, given to me by surgery means that when my teeth touch my lips a jammed hard together and my lower lip mostly disapears. Overbites age a face, they get worse with age too so that's something to look forward to.

Clenching teeth, molar teeth, is a way of managing stress. When the molars touch firmly endorphins are suppose to be released giving a relaxed feeling. Too bad if you've got an overbite and all the pressure is at the front which seem to have the opposite effects, causing anxiety.

I'm so f**king angry.