Greetings fellow AW members. Where do I begin...four years ago I started treatment to get double jaw surgery with an orthodontist and oral surgeon. My upper jaw is missing a canine and my lower jaw is I would say shifted 4-5mm to the left out of position. I also have jaw popping, courtesy of all of this (no pain though). The original treatment plan was that I would get three cuts to expand my upper jaw and the lower jaw was going to be moved into place. My incisor was shaved so that it would resemble a canine to make up for the missing tooth. Unfortunately life got in the way, I changed jobs, and I had to move about two months before I was to have the surgery (braces were removed and I was fitted for retainers). I've been wearing retainers since, locking everything in place.
Several months ago, I started seeing an oral and maxillofacial surgeon about 10 miles away. I suppose I did it bass ackwards this time, I just asked for the surgery. I said I really didn't care about the aesthetics, I just wanted a good bite and we didn't talk much about orthodontics. After several scans and studies, we agreed to do lower jaw surgery that is scheduled this week. However, I'm not sure about this process any more. I think the thing that bothers me the most is I don't have a good idea of the treatment plan. I really can't tell you what my surgeon plans to do or the how. I've spoken to others about this and everyone is sending up red flags but to me upper jaw surgery has it's own risks as well. I haven't met one person that has said this is a good idea. I mean it's crazy it seems like I shouldn't do it but at the same time I feel if it doesn't work out I can just get it corrected (albeit with time and another surgery). Again I'm not risking upper jaw surgery and as far as I can tell the only risk I have is numbness.
What do you guys/gals think? Thanks.