Hi all.
Firstly i can't believe no1 on here is really talking about this subject!? It is truly life changing and revolutionary and the b.s usual 2 years of braces before the orthognathic surgery is removed and you have the surgery first then the orthodontics afterwards which can be around 6 months of wearing braces! OK so not everyone is suitable but i will say that many people will be

Please look into it people!!!

I am going to be flying out from the UK to Rome in Italy to have this revolutionary new technique stemming from south Korea and south east Asia where i believe they invented this new way of treatment. I will be having it with - Professor Sandro Pelo as he is the only guy in Europe that is doing it.
I could not find anyone in the USA who was doing this revolutionary technique. I would also like to add that i would never consider going to south Korea for it either. It's too far away - plus did research into it and too many shady clinics/doctors and too many horror stories for jaw surgery/plastic surgery tourists when seeking out these surgeries over there.
The beauty of - "surgery first" - is that the usual up to 2 yrs of orthodontics B.S lol - before having the surgery is not necessary and instead you have your surgery first then treated with orthodontics afterwards. All over Asia and especially south Korea where they are obsessed with orthognathic surgery - this is the first line of treatment!
Please don't hesitate to msg me anytime regarding this matter. Please check out professor sandro pelo -
http://www.sandropelo.it/Amazing results and he is a leading expert in the field. He also btw is not $50,000 lol like in the U.S.A - i think he is around $10,000/$15,000 dollars upto max - $20,000.
Good luck.