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Cosmetic Jaw surgery

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I wouldn't call your problems merely cosmetic at all! We have very similar issues, and my TMJ condition deteriorated quite rapidly over the last year, so it's very important to get that looked at. Short face and a deep bite usually go together from what I've seen, so at least you don't have to deal with that. I'm sure a competent orthodontist will be able to help you, if your current one is dismissing your issues. My first orthodontist was also just teeth focused and screwed me up horribly! Try find someone who is face focused, otherwise you'll be constantly disappointed.

Thank you Plasko! I will see about getting the paper consult with Gunson. It seems as if they are really busy. Also, I don't know if I really could afford them and was really hoping for the feed back you have given me as far as my face problems. I am hoping to find a surgeon who is more affordable. I think I would be a pretty simple case.

Thank you Icy for the feedback! Did you get any jaw surgery for your TMJ? If so, what were your procedures and are you happy with the results?
As far as Im concerned asthetically I cant get any worse so its worth the risk. I was thinking of just doing veneer to camoflouge my bite but due to the teeth grinding Id probably have to replace them alot. Also it wont solve my TMJ issues so probably would just be a waste of money and cost just as much as the surgery itself.

I live in a very small community and theres only 1 jaw surgeon within a couple hundred miles. I will have to travel to get it done since its not medically required. I dont want this inexperienced surgeon touching my face. I email Mcgann today since I read some pretty good things about him on this forum. I am also trying to schedule a phone consult with Dr Yafai who I found online while doing a google search. I really would like to have had this done yesterday but from what Ive read and so far knkw, this is going to be a long journey. :-\


--- Quote from: anona_mz on June 29, 2016, 02:06:59 AM ---Thank you Plasko! I will see about getting the paper consult with Gunson. It seems as if they are really busy. Also, I don't know if I really could afford them and was really hoping for the feed back you have given me as far as my face problems. I am hoping to find a surgeon who is more affordable. I think I would be a pretty simple case.

Thank you Icy for the feedback! Did you get any jaw surgery for your TMJ? If so, what were your procedures and are you happy with the results?
As far as Im concerned asthetically I cant get any worse so its worth the risk. I was thinking of just doing veneer to camoflouge my bite but due to the teeth grinding Id probably have to replace them alot. Also it wont solve my TMJ issues so probably would just be a waste of money and cost just as much as the surgery itself.

I live in a very small community and theres only 1 jaw surgeon within a couple hundred miles. I will have to travel to get it done since its not medically required. I dont want this inexperienced surgeon touching my face. I email Mcgann today since I read some pretty good things about him on this forum. I am also trying to schedule a phone consult with Dr Yafai who I found online while doing a google search. I really would like to have had this done yesterday but from what Ive read and so far knkw, this is going to be a long journey. :-\

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I was scheduled to have the TMJ reconstruction and wisdom teeth removal this month, but due to bad pneumonia had to cancel, so we'll likely reschedule for September. For me, the deterioration is bad enough that there's no fixing it without surgery, so I'd get an MRI scan of the discs as soon as possible so they can really see what's going on and if you can avoid arthroplasty. I have uneven midline and asymmetry because my TMJ is so bad, I'm not sure if that applies to you but definitely try and find out if that's happening with you too, as in my case, my teeth are now ready for the corrective jaw surgery, but we can't proceed without fixing the TMJ first.

I greatly sympathise with your being in a small community, I attend university in a small town 10 hours away from my home, so I have to travel back and forth for appointments and consultations. Huge pain in the ass but what can we do? I also grind my teeth horribly by the way, as I understand it grinding is a symptom that can apparently be helped with the surgery, so I'm crossing fingers that it is resolved along with everything else. I really hope you find a good team, as I'm sure you're probably in the same boat of frustration that I've been in for the past few years. The last thing we need is incompetent doctors, on top of the threat of more damage to teeth and jaws!

it doesn't look like short face syndrome to me (no nasolabial folds) but you do have a class 3 jaw relationship and the maxilla seems to be the culprit (narrow, too far back).

You'd probably need widening of the upper jaw bone and a 3-4mm advancement to make things fit. The smile would also improve once the upper jaw becomes wider and is placed in a more forward position.

The problem with grinding is that it can cause a maxillary down graft to relapse. You may have to be on benzos after surgery


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