i wonder if dmso can help with the swelling and recovery. if you google it they claim it has serious anti inflamatory properties. eppley eferenced it in a response to someone on real self
Ditterbo, I have no idea. I don't usually like the final results on Arnett/Gunson patients. At the same time, it seems to be way better to get the huge lower jaw movement with a sliding genio but in actual practice I don't know.
Well folks, the must touted DAY 4 (or beginning of Day 3 after surgery). I am DEFINITELY AS SWOLLEN AS I WILL GET NOW. It sort of sucks just cause it's uncomfortable. I feel like Eddie Murphy in those Norbit movies. I have no idea what the outcome of this surgery will be.
You know I gotta say, I sort of took the biggest risk of all doing a friggin double jaw surgery with a surgeon no one has ever used for JAW SURGERY on this forum. I mean I consulted with every best known surgeon and then chose the one no one had ever used. So we'll find out in a few weeks how this turns out. But so far, Sinn's staff have been pleasant and kind. The nurses, especially Cindy, are angelic and Dr. Sinn is like a Samurai master of jaw surgery. Well the waiting game.....