Author Topic: There are so many surgeons to choose from :/  (Read 2552 times)


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There are so many surgeons to choose from :/
« on: July 31, 2016, 03:54:47 PM »
Hey guys,

I'm looking for a surgeon for my bi-max advancement and genioplasty. I have been poring over all this great information about various doctors and leads. However, I'm a bit overwhelmed with it all. I know Sailer gets a ton of flack for his aesthetic style, (and I'm not a fan of the implants he uses) but I actually really like the whole ante-face theory. Tbh even though I have sleep apnea and a legit reason for this surgery, I am hugely motivated by aesthetics. I don't want to choose a doctor who will add more things I am self conscious about (or under-correct the issue I am trying to solve. obviously this wouldn't be an issue with sailer.)

Since going out of the United States is really not an option, I've been trying desperately to find someone here that has the same type of aesthetic. Ideally they'd be Plastic Board certified as well. I've made a huge list of possible surgeons whose names have been brought up in this capacity...but before/afters are so hard to come by. (And it seems a little far fetched to have to fly out of state and ask face-to-face if you can see their portfolio - right??)

Has anyone else found that the really renowned doctors are out of network, in a different country, or have NO pictures to show for their work? I.e. Raffaini (Italy), Arnett/Gunson (No ins.), Posnick (no pix?), etc.

these are the names I've seen mentioned a bunch:
mcgann (california)
antipov (california)
sailer (zurich)
wolford (dallas)
randolph robinson (colorado)
posnick (maryland)
super (ny)
yafai (los angeles)
urata (los angeles)
stapanyan (los angeles)
dorfman (los angeles)

Where the hell to go from here??? Anything helps:)


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Re: There are so many surgeons to choose from :/
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2016, 03:51:18 PM »
My doc who did my revision did plastic surgery training and has a pretty extensive background.  While I gave him the go ahead to do whatever he needed to make me functionally better (even if it meant sacrificing aesthetics), he totally didn't let my aesthetics suffer.  It came down to both he and Dr. Gunson to do my revision. I wanted to stay closer to home (SF Bay Area), he's in network with my insurance, and is just as accredited and talented as Dr. G, so I went with him.  If you'd like more info, check out my blog: