Author Topic: Advice Needed.  (Read 1568 times)


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Advice Needed.
« on: August 03, 2016, 08:51:20 AM »
I am f**ked from mouth breathing. Broke my nose at the age of 11, got hit by a car full on facial trauma. Never went to hospital or anything. 100% sure all my issues are due to this incident no one else in the family looks like me and yet they still try to deny there's anything wrong with me.

Now 20 with deep nasolabial folds,all kinds of hormonal issues most likely stemming from lack of oxygen during sleep more than likely a sleep apnea case. Is it to late to save me? what can be done what should I bring up at the dentist so that I get a referral to a maxfac. Feeling extremely tired and nauseous throughout the day no energy no motivation extremely depressed.

two pictures, Please excuse the absolutely horrendous facial hair, a few days worth of growth trying to grow a beard out to cover my atrocious lower third.

Saw an orthodontist yesterday, confirmed that I had a narrow palate, crossbite, undersized incisors, with both jaws recessed. His comment was to try to sell me standard braces for £3000 claiming it could be fixed in 18-24 months. I'm skeptical I had orthodontic treatment here before and it's relapsed infact it's much worse now and I feel like he's just trying to sell me some bulls**t by putting me in traintracks for 2 years no mention of palatal expansion ect aswell as No mention of surgery which I am aware Is the only way to widen my palate didn't even take an xray to tell me what was going on.

As I lose more and more weight I become worse and worse looking, I know comments will be lose weight ect but i'm currently sitting at 11% bodyfat my body is ripped I just have the worst bone structure known to man facially..

heres a picture from a couple months ago.

notice i'm higher bodyfat, harder to notice any sort of facial deformity given it's not a side profile + black and white filter. Also my eyebrows are thicker, I'm losing hair now and eyebrow hair most likely from a thyroid issues and my quality of life is becoming worse and worse.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 09:11:10 AM by iwanttoldar »


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Re: Advice Needed.
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2016, 08:56:10 AM »
accidental double post.


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Re: Advice Needed.
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2016, 12:42:03 PM »
Get double jaw surgery boyo, and a genio. Don't worry, you can fix your problems with surgery. How much cash have you got in the bank?


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Re: Advice Needed.
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2016, 01:07:51 PM »
Get double jaw surgery boyo, and a genio. Don't worry, you can fix your problems with surgery. How much cash have you got in the bank?
Enough With some loans to cover most surgeries. NHS might pay for some if I have a strong case.


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Re: Advice Needed.
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2016, 01:08:31 PM »
You can't evaluate anything with that much zoom.

Yes, I know that's not going to change your face. But holding your camera close to your face like that is just showing what your skin looks like. You need to put the camera at a distance so that we can see your entire face.

You should also not distort your face by smiling.

A shot of your teeth upper and lower jaw is also needed.


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Re: Advice Needed.
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2016, 01:11:11 PM »
You look somewhat like me lol. I don't think you need genio but double jaw surgery, yeah. Get on CPAP in mean time. Ortho not playing games with you here. This will be a life transforming surgery for you. Just 3 decades ago we were all f**ked, today we can live normal lives :D

You know who might not? There's a major actor on that show "The Last Ship" with a MASSIVE weak chin. His mouth is always majorly hanging open too in shots. Damn that guy is ugly and probably unaware of his issues. There's also a bunch of famous billionaires who are screwed and I suspect also don't realize it. We're the lucky ones who won't drop dead at 45 mysteriously because our problems are bad enough to recognize while young enough to still fix them.


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Re: Advice Needed.
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2016, 01:38:28 PM »
But I can already tell that you are overreacting from reading too much on these forums: no, you're not ugly, you just look average.

Sure, you could probably improve from surgery, most people probably could. But I think at least half of your symptoms are psychosomatic: hating yourself and your appearance and constantly thinking about stuff like your bite and face structure can make you feel physically ill.

You are better off taking a break from reading about it on the net.

Furthermore; going bald at a young age and having a weak beard is perfectly normal and only rarely a sign of hormonal imbalances.

I know plenty of people who started balding before they hit 20 and they are all healthy.


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Re: Advice Needed.
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2016, 05:47:40 PM »
Yeah, you're not ugly at all. Maybe a chin implant or sliding genioplasty would be helpful but honestly not sure the whole double jaw surgery thing would be worth the time/effort/money/recovery. And perhaps check out Rogaine for baldness.


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Re: Advice Needed.
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2016, 06:44:01 PM »
Yeah, you're not ugly at all. Maybe a chin implant or sliding genioplasty would be helpful but honestly not sure the whole double jaw surgery thing would be worth the time/effort/money/recovery. And perhaps check out Rogaine for baldness.

His mandible is horizontally deficient.  Camouflaging with genioplasty would not be a good idea.


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Re: Advice Needed.
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2016, 06:47:10 PM »
OP - ask ortho for recommendation to oral surgeon he's worked with in the past for maxillomandibulsr cases.  Do not get braces withour surgery.


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Re: Advice Needed.
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2016, 08:57:59 PM »
His mandible is horizontally deficient.  Camouflaging with genioplasty would not be a good idea.

I'd weigh this on the basis of, do you think the benefit you'd get from double jaw surgery or a BSSO along with its recovery + cost is worth it vs a potentially inferior but still positive improvement from a sliding genioplasty? Personal decision.

All I'm saying is that you're not the kind of guy I'd see on the street and be like, "wow, his chin projection is so poor, jaw surgery needed stat."


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Re: Advice Needed.
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2016, 11:09:18 PM »
Oh I didn't mean to suggest that he NEEDED surgery. He's really not that ugly, most women would find him attractive still I suspect. More for functional reasons. Sleep apnea is a b*tch. Sounds like he's in the UK, in his position surgery first may make sense. Dr Alfaro in Spain is your friend, if you can afford it.


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Re: Advice Needed.
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2016, 05:54:41 AM »
Get your mind in check first mate and get tested for sleep apnea. You might not even have it.

The mind can create very powerful sensations and by judging off what you've written, your mind is in a very toxic place.