I can see what you mean. The upper jaw is more narrow than the lower, but it's on the back molars not the front teeth. The upper back molars are tilted inward. Did the ortho try to do some compromise technique?
If the bite feels good as is you probably shouldn't mess with it, but if the bite isn't comfortable explore the options with Dr. Gunson (he's a great clinician and won't steer you wrong). Are those veneers on the front teeth? Just wondering why there is a yellow line in the scalloped upper area. Looks like a veneer and/or gum recession is beginning.
I imagine that this is an intentional crossbite that was used to correct the bite. My braces came off a decade ago, and I recently spoke with my orthodontist and he doesn't recall. He said that he could address the crossbite if I got SARPE, and he referred me to the maxillofacial department of my HMO, which will see me in two weeks.
The bite does feel fine.
Yes, I have veneers on the upper four front teeth. They aren't looking so good to me (they're from 2007). I got those after I broke the central two teeth.
I got concerned about Dr. Gunson's recommendation that I get clockwise rotation, and also that I didn't get a sense of his aesthetic vision. In additional to the multi-piece upper LeForte, he also recommended jaw angle and cheek implants using HA paste.
I do think I have some midface weakness. I'm not sure that's it's so much a matter of retrusion as a matter of the narrowness of the maxilla.
Anteriorly, the maxilla seems narrower to me than the maxilla. The anterior (non-central) mandibular teeth are inwardly-tilted. I'm not sure if that's how "normal" teeth are or not. I suspect not.