Author Topic: SARPE + Lefort 1?  (Read 2821 times)


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SARPE + Lefort 1?
« on: February 01, 2017, 01:30:40 AM »
Hello everyone I am new here. I am 22 years old and i have a cross-bite plus a edge to edge bite and a slight openbite.
I want to know how i will look like after Sarpe + Lefort 1(2.5/3mm forward movement), if my face will get better or if you suggest other options.

Here is some pics of my face:


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Re: SARPE + Lefort 1?
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2017, 07:57:23 PM »
I say with the small movements there may be minimal change. Maybe not that noticeable. If anything I would do it for functional reasons only, you look like The Weeknd who happens to score a bunch of hot women so just do something with your hair. Don't do anything drastic.


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Re: SARPE + Lefort 1?
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2017, 01:26:52 AM »
First of all thanks very much for the answer and the compliments.
My problems are that I seem older then I am and sometime the left side of my face seem weaker then the right side(on the right side my wisdom theeths tuoches well but all the other theeths do not because of the cross-bite, do not know if it is connected). On the left side the temporal area and mandible seems more excavated then the right side. Can it be muscular assimetry connected with the fact that only on the right side wisdom theeths touches well?


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Re: SARPE + Lefort 1?
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2017, 09:16:42 AM »
I thought the same thing yesterdday when I saw the pics!!  He looks like The Weekend and The Weekend is going out with Selena Gomez so I think you will be OK buddy at least aesthetically.  Id kill for your jaw!   
The more I learn about the gamble that is jaw surgery the more afraid I become!!!   :-(


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Re: SARPE + Lefort 1?
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2017, 07:43:45 PM »
I have the same functional issue as you, I also have a cross bite which I am going to go through surgery for, mainly for functional reasons as I am currently ok with the way I look. However my main issue with my face is my smile and recessed maxilla which make me look older too if my face is totally relaxed. Did you have a consultation with a surgeon yet? I highly suggest getting one, even if you decide not to go through because I discovered a whole lot of other issues I never even knew of when I went in for my consult! I know exactly what you mean by one side being weaker, I have that too as well as the asymmetry. I hope some of it gets corrected by jaw surgery, however jaw surgery is not perfect, and people like us who are pretty normal looking don't have much to gain by it aesthetically. I mean, for functional reasons yes. But looks wise there's always more to lose. I'm not too worried because I think it will be a positive change for me aesthetically because of the movements being made and the fact that I have confidence that Dr.G has the utmost ability to bring out the best results. Anyways, get a consult. In my opinion, men who do lefort 1 have more to lose. I saw some pretty horrible results in men, kind of feminizes the face by making your bottom jaw less prominent. But like I said, your movements of 2/3mm are very small. Hard to tell. And besides you'd have to pull your wisdoms first. If you can I would highly recommend Dr Gunson, the consult fee is only $250.


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Re: SARPE + Lefort 1?
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2017, 05:42:04 AM »
I am from Italy and yes i had one consultation, it was suggested a bimax + sarpe but the doc said that sarpe would be enough. Actually i need expansion cuz it is hard to stick with the tongue in the roof of my mouth because sometime i accidentally bite the tongue. I am actually very embarrassed with my smile too cuz everyone in my family have a good smile and straight teethes without ever having been to a dentist.
I am going to do another consultation to see whats out there for me. It is hard to decide and go through jaw surgery cuz you mainly do not know the result.
Do enlarging the palate makes the face look like larger?


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Re: SARPE + Lefort 1?
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2017, 06:00:10 AM »
You look OK you just have that sunken eye area that seems typical of people from the sub-continent. I'd address that if I were to do anything. But maybe not worth it.


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Re: SARPE + Lefort 1?
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2017, 08:35:11 PM »
I just thought about this now. All the male posters on this forum are worried so much about their aesthetics. Like that's really what are going to get them loads of women. Most will be broke by the time surgery is complete and if they're lucky they may have somewhat satisfactory results. Most top notch women will not blink an eye at the hot guy that works at McDonalds, so if I were you I'd concentrate more on the net worth, worry less about your aesthetics. You are fine, if your jaw is bothering you than fix it. Because it's not going to go away. But don't be one of those guys that spends all his savings on cosmetic surgery because it's not going to get you anywhere in life, and if anything just with bottom of the barrel women. Concentrate on making that money, because when time goes by and looks fade, money will be king and you will still be able to score loads of women with less that average looks. As a woman myself, this is just my opinion and my advice to you. Nfortunate but true. Most women want financial security > looks

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Re: SARPE + Lefort 1?
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2017, 11:59:19 PM »
I just thought about this now. All the male posters on this forum are worried so much about their aesthetics. Like that's really what are going to get them loads of women. Most will be broke by the time surgery is complete and if they're lucky they may have somewhat satisfactory results. Most top notch women will not blink an eye at the hot guy that works at McDonalds, so if I were you I'd concentrate more on the net worth, worry less about your aesthetics. You are fine, if your jaw is bothering you than fix it. Because it's not going to go away. But don't be one of those guys that spends all his savings on cosmetic surgery because it's not going to get you anywhere in life, and if anything just with bottom of the barrel women. Concentrate on making that money, because when time goes by and looks fade, money will be king and you will still be able to score loads of women with less that average looks. As a woman myself, this is just my opinion and my advice to you. Nfortunate but true. Most women want financial security > looks

At a young age that is most definitely not true though. It's about behaving reasonably, if you have money to spare then go for it if that's what you wanna do. Just don't cripple yourself financially because of it.


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Re: SARPE + Lefort 1?
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2017, 12:29:23 PM »
I just thought about this now. All the male posters on this forum are worried so much about their aesthetics. Like that's really what are going to get them loads of women. Most will be broke by the time surgery is complete and if they're lucky they may have somewhat satisfactory results. Most top notch women will not blink an eye at the hot guy that works at McDonalds, so if I were you I'd concentrate more on the net worth, worry less about your aesthetics. You are fine, if your jaw is bothering you than fix it. Because it's not going to go away. But don't be one of those guys that spends all his savings on cosmetic surgery because it's not going to get you anywhere in life, and if anything just with bottom of the barrel women. Concentrate on making that money, because when time goes by and looks fade, money will be king and you will still be able to score loads of women with less that average looks. As a woman myself, this is just my opinion and my advice to you. Nfortunate but true. Most women want financial security > looks
I like your point of view but my goal is not to be aesthetically perfect but find out the best way to fix my bite and what is connected to it.


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Re: SARPE + Lefort 1?
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2017, 12:47:57 PM »
I am from Italy

You look indian to me.


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Re: SARPE + Lefort 1?
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2017, 01:06:32 PM »
You look indian to me.

Southern Italian population (f.e. Sicilians) is often darker skinned than those from Northern Italy, lets say Genoa.

The user Drunkcat f.e. looks a little bit similar to F. Quagliarella from Napoli.  ;D
« Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 01:17:18 PM by Lestat »