Author Topic: Is this a full ante face? (scan)  (Read 8280 times)


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Re: Is this a chipmunk face? (scan)
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2016, 12:35:06 PM »
wouldn't worry about it. looks masculine as fk in my opinon.

there is some actor I know that has that look. massive brow and nose almost touching his lips. Looks like a testerone molecule in human form.

Which actor are you talking about? I used to get I looked like Robert Pattinson before surgery, I guess now I look like a chimp. It does look masculine tbh, but I just see myself weird, like too much change with respect to my old face. I didn't expect this much advancement. I didn't want my face changed, I just wanted to breath at night. Im going to see my surgeon next week to explore my options.


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Re: Is this a full ante face? (scan)
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2016, 08:20:09 AM »
I do kind of look like that dude now... Only I think my jaw protrudes even more.


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Re: Is this a full ante face? (scan)
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2016, 07:28:33 AM »
So I went to see my surgeon. He never told me how much movement he was gonna make pre-op, and never told me post-op either, although I asked several times. Today I had to insist A LOT to get the numbers, as the surgeon said that we was going to measure it with my pre and post op scans. I was like no, I want the pre-op plan, so he ended up saying that my maxilla was advanced 8 mm and my jaw 16 mm, with CCW movement. That's huge, right? I even feel like its BS because it was like he didn't even know how much movement he made. It felt like he operated without measuring, just guessing where the right position was. I even asked him before surgery if we was going to make a genio and he said that we would decide right at the surgery time after seeing how things fell in place. He didn't end up doing it, but that sounds ridiculous to me. At the time I said, whatever he knows better.

Well the surgeon says that I look totally fine, he said I have Brad Pitt's jaw, and that everything was perfectly measured to fit perfectly into my face. He started looking at my pre-op pictures and said that I had a double chin, and that I looked like the chubby kid in the class. He told me to show my pre-ops and post-ops to anyone and every single person would say that I look better now. Ok they might say that I look better but I still feel that I had too much advancement done on both my maxilla and my jaw and too much CCW movement.

I don't like the aesthetic result and I definitely don't like the way my surgeon treated me. He posts many of his results on his website, but didn't ask me if I wanted mine posted, that just tells that he knows the result is not right. Should I ask him to post it?

He also f**ked up my nose removing my nasal bone (he said it wasn't there because I had broken my nose previously) when I just wanted him to fix my deviated septum. So now I have like a completely flat nose and a horse's maxilla and jaw. And he says I look like Brad Pitt...