Author Topic: Chin wing after implant removal  (Read 3942 times)


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Chin wing after implant removal
« on: November 01, 2016, 02:33:05 PM »
So I underwent medpor chin implant removal with dr Z. A small part of the implant seems to be still inside. I do feel Z. performed a very difficult surgery, and did so very well. It's just not great that this implant material is such stuff that it sticks to your tissues and that it is very difficult to remove everything. I'm sure there will be a solution in the future, as I trust Z. on that.

Advice for anyone undergoing surgery under local: make sure you have someone with you. They apparently had given me an appointment for this afternoon but I was so drugged I had not realized, plus they had given me the wrong number (Z's number was changed) so Z. had not received my text message either and we completely missed out on each other's communication.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 11:13:00 AM by momoennamo »


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Re: Chin wing after implant removal
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2016, 03:34:00 PM »
I thought a medpor implant is secured by screws, which means he has to unscrew from your chin BONE.  All doctors I've spoken with (in US East Coast / DC) have said any revision of my silicone chin implant would have to be done under general because they cannot numb the bone where I have a fat screw holding the implant(or just because).  Medpor removal is really high risk surgery for most doctors, and as you can see here Dr. Z was limited in what he could do under local.  Really really really sucks this is only apparent in hindsight... I feel like Dr. Z should have seen that issue coming.  But odds are enough of the implant is gone that he can remove the remainder when he's got you under for a chin wing.  I wouldn't fret it too much but definitely follow up w/him on what the deal is.  Obsessing over all these scenarios without even confirming anything with Z is no good for your mental health.

Vic - I don't think a medpor implant in his face would 'float around' since it's been in it for who knows how long (I presume more than a few months).  It's already got tissue ingrowth holding it in... Unless he can wiggle it around, I doubt it's free floating.  More bone erosion.. maybe since the screw probably partially minimized micromovements of the implant.  Debatable if it's that important to remove if he's going to get the chin wing in 6 months IMO.

Alright being a little selfish here but I'm staring down chin implant removal myself but probably with bimax at the same time or after.  How big was your medpor implant, how long was it in your face, how old are you, and how does your chin look now post removal? Like what's it actually look like?  Dimpled, saggy, worbly etc?  Your case would actually provide a lot of insight into what I might end up going through.  Thanks for the info exchange!  ;D


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Re: Chin wing after implant removal
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2016, 03:34:18 PM »
A big issue would be the part of implant remaining unsecured for 6 months and the issues that can cause with more erosion or infection. You should get someone else to remove it back home, I don't think leaving it floating around is the safe option


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Re: Chin wing after implant removal
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2016, 08:40:20 PM »
"Z said there was a very good chance the chin wing could just be performed at the same time the remainder of the implant is removed"

There's your answer.  Also, if you can only feel the medpor piece but not see it, then aesthetically sounds like there's nothing to worry about.  If he's now saying it would be high risk to remove it but he can still do the chin wing, and there's no aesthetic defect or future risks with a medpor fragment in there, then go with that plan.  I don't know if an unscrewed piece of medpor in your face is problematic, so figure that part out (or see if ppl know here), but you also have to better understand what is this high risk he's warning you about of removing the fragment.  If removing this bit of medpor has a high chance of cutting a nerve, then you are risking either permanent numbness to that side lip/chin and/or muscle movement disability affecting your smile in a potentially life-altering catastrophic way (if you cared much for it). 

You only should care about what Dr. Z says if he is the one performing your chin wing... assuming he's the expert on this stuff. I wouldn't know but everyone talks about him for chin wing surgeries.


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Re: Chin wing after implant removal
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2016, 02:38:27 AM »
i believe he underdelivered and you have a right to be pissed.

I noticed a change in his attitude recently, perhaps he is tired of all the "lookism" kind of patients he gets.


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Re: Chin wing after implant removal
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2016, 05:46:20 AM »
Dr Z's attitude is perfectly fine to me. It's most likely just one of those one off mistakes which has happened


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Re: Chin wing after implant removal
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2016, 10:41:42 AM »
can you share the results of the chin wing?

1 how much width

2 and projection did you gain

3 did it Level off they jaw

of course redacted pics , even in pm, would be insanely appreciated



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Re: Chin wing after implant removal
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2016, 07:07:37 PM »
Hey glad to hear you're getting a little bit out of the slump you were in yesterday.  In hindsight I was being a little overly pointed with my message in your time of desperation and sadness but I thought some straight info would be more helpful than sympathies (or not, such is forums).  I totally feel for your situation, been there twice with chin implant surgery but the situation 'settles down' after the first few days of surgery, mentally and physically with chin surgery.  It's normal.  ;)  Hope everything works out with Z... I have no agenda for him, btw per your deleted post. :P  Again just throwing the kitchen sink of what I know having obsessed w/chin revision surgery the past 2 years.


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Re: Chin wing after implant removal
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2016, 08:34:56 PM »
dude don't worry about this s**t. just get the chin wing done at the same time you get the rest of the implant taken off. 6 months, dude i prepeared and waited like 5 years for my surgery. and honestly i'm glad it didn't get f**ked up. im like 80 percent satisfied which is like a 100 percent win when it comes to these surgeries which are honestly probablity of 50/50 turning out in your favor.