Author Topic: Don't get jaw surgery  (Read 18963 times)


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Re: Don't get jaw surgery
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2016, 04:39:32 PM »
3mm is a large vertical impaction. I feel for your situation I have something of a similar situation, mine was more like a maximum of 5mm impaction but all posteriorly. It's a horrible situation to be in. I went in like you poorly informed, so
I'd say jaw surgery is still worthwhile for many but all practical steps need to be taken to ensure a good outcome and protection in the case of a bad outcome.

Do they acknowledge the 3mm impaction? In my case they will not, this is generally because they are only concerned with the anterior height of the maxilla ie incisor show. All of my impaction was posterior so I have taken on the appearance of a vertical deficiency and bite is very uncomfortable.

What are your plans for the future?



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Re: Don't get jaw surgery
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2017, 07:19:05 AM »
I'm getting pretty desperate. As the swelling goes down it just looks worse.

How likely is it to have something closer to my old face in a revision? Is it possible to partially reverse?

I really don't know what do.


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Re: Don't get jaw surgery
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2017, 04:48:25 AM »
I'm getting pretty desperate. As the swelling goes down it just looks worse.

How likely is it to have something closer to my old face in a revision? Is it possible to partially reverse?

I really don't know what do.

Which surgeons have you spoken to? Someone here had an overimpaction too and has had it revised that I know of.


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Re: Don't get jaw surgery
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2017, 05:58:27 AM »
Which surgeons have you spoken to? Someone here had an overimpaction too and has had it revised that I know of.

I tried to get a second opinion from a surgeon in my city who basically stated that he didn't want to comment on my case at all. He wasn't comfortable and asked me to leave. (?!)

I've been considering seeing Gunson.

Like I've said, my surgeon offered a revision to bring my upper jaw back down, but in the original surgery I had a lower jaw advancement and an advancement through a sliding genio. So an isolated downgraft would just make my whole face even longer.


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Re: Don't get jaw surgery
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2017, 06:43:08 AM »
I wonder if you can even get an isolated anterior downgraft without also having to partially reverse the lower jaw advancement?  I'm trying to picture what would happen - an anterior downgraft would push the lower jaw down, which would in turn angulate the occlusal plane in the back, creating an open bite in the front.

Totally guessing and it might just be an orthodontic problem at the end of the day to realign everything.


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Re: Don't get jaw surgery
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2017, 11:44:24 AM »
I wonder if you can even get an isolated anterior downgraft without also having to partially reverse the lower jaw advancement?  I'm trying to picture what would happen - an anterior downgraft would push the lower jaw down, which would in turn angulate the occlusal plane in the back, creating an open bite in the front.

Totally guessing and it might just be an orthodontic problem at the end of the day to realign everything.

My surgeon said an isolated anterior downgraft can be done. That's no problem, but I'm worried about the effects on the rest of my face from having the single isolated movement. I wonder if there's any way to make sure that the added height from the downgraft can be removed some other way. Maybe from the chin?

This is such a freaking bother though, when you come out looking worse.


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Re: Don't get jaw surgery
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2017, 02:49:56 PM »
I tried to get a second opinion from a surgeon in my city who basically stated that he didn't want to comment on my case at all. He wasn't comfortable and asked me to leave. (?!)

This is the norm. Only top docs will take on revision cases, otherwise "go back to your surgeon".


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Re: Don't get jaw surgery
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2017, 12:04:08 PM »
Hi commenting again after your pm, pm sent also.

Tell me please is the impaction apparent on your soft tissues that is how is your lip posture with your molar teeth in resting contact or near contact?
If your lips appear squished it is also indication of vertical deficiency.
Forgive me if I've asked this before, I use this forum on my phone and find it awkward so checking my past activity before posting is frustrating!


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Re: Don't get jaw surgery
« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2017, 10:07:37 AM »
I tried to get a second opinion from a surgeon in my city who basically stated that he didn't want to comment on my case at all. He wasn't comfortable and asked me to leave. (?!)

At the very least I would have cursed at him every step I took leaving his office.   Freedom of speech as long as you dont threaten anyone.   Id also tell him i'd post my experience on any and every website available and when he threatened to sue i'd tell him to go ahead I have nothing anyway. 
The more I learn about the gamble that is jaw surgery the more afraid I become!!!   :-(


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Re: Don't get jaw surgery
« Reply #24 on: April 09, 2017, 10:29:05 PM »
What happens tends to happen from over impaction?

Biggest thing is the upper teeth don't show very much if at all. The lower teeth show a lot as a result of everything moving up. The chin looks bigger because of the CCW, but in my case perhaps too big. There also seems to be a lack of support for the soft tissue in the upper jaw area.


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Re: Don't get jaw surgery
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2017, 07:40:00 AM »
Doesn't maxillary advancement compensate the loss of support due to impaction?

I mean, it should.


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Re: Don't get jaw surgery
« Reply #26 on: June 21, 2017, 11:25:42 AM »
Advancement might still provide upper lip support and accordingly reveal more upper incisor. the face though will still lack vertical support and look squished and frankly ugly. The lower lip might almost disapper with the jaws in a psychologically normal rest position, this with teeth in near or light contact. There will might also be deep bite depending on the angle of the occlusal plane. If there is the mandible will on closing want to rotate forwards but contact with upper incisors will force it backwards. It'll be really uncomfortable.



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Re: Don't get jaw surgery
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2018, 10:21:18 PM »
ditto, i had an amazing downgraft done, brought out my entire smile.

Who did your surgery, Lazlo?