Author Topic: muscle is killing one side of my jawline, aesthetically  (Read 1311 times)


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muscle is killing one side of my jawline, aesthetically
« on: October 19, 2016, 10:37:20 AM »
my jaw is pretty weak, it's retruded but it's not suicide tier. I would love to get some surgery done to improve but I don't have the money for it.

anyway, the thing is, there is a muscle on my left side that it seems is more developed than the right one, so my left side looks like s**t from a 45 degree angle compared to my right side which looks average. I wonder why is this happening? I have no idea if this was always like this, probably back then I wasnt as aware on aesthetics to notice any of this. it's the muscle that's under the masseter.. i have no idea how it's called. it gets more noticeable if i push the tongue on the roof of the mouth as it gets tensed, which sucks since to get a decent submental angle you need to sightly push your tongue on the roof of the mouth and a sightly push makes it stick out already which like I said before kills my left 45 degree angle.

from the front I look decent, it's just 45 degree and profile view where I suck. what are your coments on this?


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Re: muscle is killing one side of my jawline, aesthetically
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2016, 07:56:07 PM »
Botox to the hypertrophied side. That's it.


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Re: muscle is killing one side of my jawline, aesthetically
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2017, 08:01:05 PM »
Botox to the hypertrophied side. That's it.

hi, im the same OP but lost my pass

is it that easy? how does this work? i dont know how bottox works. is it a temporal fix or a permanent one?

and why did this happen to me in the first place?


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Re: muscle is killing one side of my jawline, aesthetically
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2017, 08:27:42 PM »
Botox is temporary and will last from 3-6 months. Takes about two weeks at least to see effects. I've gotten it for my bruxism and it's helped slim my face (by atrophy of the muscle). If you stop then it will go back to the way it was. Cost me about $500 to do both sides. You would need to go every 3-6 months to maintain results. To make it last longer I would suggest stop chewing gum, use a mouth guard if you grind at night or clench. Those are my opinions based on my experience.


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Re: muscle is killing one side of my jawline, aesthetically
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2017, 12:12:45 PM »
Botox is temporary and will last from 3-6 months. Takes about two weeks at least to see effects. I've gotten it for my bruxism and it's helped slim my face (by atrophy of the muscle). If you stop then it will go back to the way it was. Cost me about $500 to do both sides. You would need to go every 3-6 months to maintain results. To make it last longer I would suggest stop chewing gum, use a mouth guard if you grind at night or clench. Those are my opinions based on my experience.
$250 every 3-6 months? I can't afford it

Are there any other ways? f**k this. i have no idea since when it is like this. i dont have bruixism, and if i had, why would only one side hypertrophy?

i do this "mewing" thing do, not all day, but most of the day i try to have my tongue pushing on the roof of my mouth.. i wonder if this has contributed to this?

if i had a proper jaw, developed forward and big, it would get masked, but since my jaw is not good, it shows even more.


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Re: muscle is killing one side of my jawline, aesthetically
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2017, 04:17:02 PM »
Holy s**t, my side with the overdeveloped muscle looks like dogs**t.


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Re: muscle is killing one side of my jawline, aesthetically
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2017, 04:15:51 PM »
how about this---

give it a shot for one treatment. If the pain dwindles, and the aesthetic result is pleasing than maybe it is an investment in your best interest.