Author Topic: Unilateral sagittal split osteotomy?  (Read 1655 times)


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Unilateral sagittal split osteotomy?
« on: December 02, 2016, 05:45:50 PM »

I have a very mild horizontal mandibular asymmetry (~2mm). After scowering the web, I am pretty sure that "a simple" USSO would be possible to solve my troubles. Grantedly my face would still be a bit asymmetrical which is normal and would be fine by me. But I really really REALLY want to fix this 2 mms very preferably WITHOUT the classic preoperative orthodontic treatment and classic orthognatic surgery , in my case I really think that isn't necessary.

I'm wondering what do you guys think, would USSO be possible, enough for me or do you suggest any other procedure (that isn't a classic orthognatic surgery)?

Also (this is actually the prime reason I've registered on here) does anyone know a maxfac surgeon in Europe who does USSOs? Or even better are there any members who have done this and would be willing to share their experience?

Thank you very much. Cheers

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