Author Topic: I want to die due to my looks: Desperate to shorten long face, advance lower jaw  (Read 14690 times)


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A lot of surgeons do that though, I don't think it's relevant to his skill.


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How can you not afford California it's a £400 plane ticket return from London?

London, UK not London, Canada. lol

It's not £400 dude. More like £1200 + hotel from £1000.

Can you link me to where it costs £400 please? Also, I would need multiple consultations. I can't be flying to california 4 - 5 times a year.

The Quest for Aesthetics

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London, UK not London, Canada. lol

It's not £400 dude. More like £1200 + hotel from £1000.

Can you link me to where it costs £400 please? Also, I would need multiple consultations. I can't be flying to california 4 - 5 times a year.;f=LHR,LGW,STN,LCY,LTN,SEN,QQS;t=LAX;d=2017-01-10;r=2017-01-17;q=flights+london+to+los+angeles