Ok. Soooooooooooo this is to Lucifa and all in this comment section and beyond. I just want to let ya'll all in on something...
"MEDICAL INSURANCE COVERAGE"!!!! It works, trust me, i did it once and i'll do it again! Had a sliding genioplasty with Dr Henri Thau 10 years ago and at the time i was with Norwich Union Medical Insurance and YES they covered the whole damn thang!
I can't believe none of you guys are talking about this. Ok so as of right now i have private medical insurance coverage from BUPA UK and i opened this policy in November 2016 and chose the policy that offers European cover so that if i was to have surgery with Prof Raffaini - (wink wink shhh)

It would be covered, but you can also choose worldwide cover. It can be pricey tho, my policy costs around £220 per month but i have a plan set in stone lol so won't be paying out £220 every months very very soon like this week soon! I'll be making my jaw surgery claim this week with my BUPA Insurance Company as i didn't want to make it too obvious and literally claim 2 weeks after opening the policy as that would look super shady and fraudulent and they may of said NO! Sooooo using my big brain lol i decided to make this very important life changing claim in New Year 2017 and start the year off with what could be a really really good bang!!! -
(no pun intended, i think?

I did some major research and actually called up Bupa medical insurance company before i opened my policy - as a fake name and home address LOL (they are ruthless and record all calls so i had to fake it to get info on certain things) you can't ask them that stuff when you open up your own policy or they may work out you are playing them or have a pre existing medical condition which all insurance companies will rarely cover. I asked questions in regard to jaw surgery and the braces/orthodontic treatment connected to it and they said they would cover the surgery but not necessarily the braces.
Please like seriously open up a medical insurance policy and then give it a few or more weeks then make a claim for jaw surgery with your chosen doctor. Just remember that if you have already been to see your own GP (general practitioner) about your issues with your jaw etc then it will be harder to then try open a medical insurance policy up and try get cover as then your claim will be deemed - pre existing condition which you had before you opened your policy (catch my drift?)

They can ask your GP for your medical history etc or if the GP has seen you in regards to jaw surgery issues. Theses are the questions the medical insurer will ask your GP when you make you claim so "BE AWARE"
As i said i had a sliding Genioplasty surgery which cost £6000 in the UK 10 years ago covered by my medical insurer so it can be done!
I pay £220 per months and if my insurer agrees to cover my surgery claim i will be saving around £15,000-£20,000!!! i=I opened the insurance policy 2 months ago so you do the math. Can't compare the two. Seriously go open a medical policy wherever you are. If your in the UK trust me BUPA Medical Insurance is the best. I did a few months of calling up and researching different policies/companies and it was the best especially for the fact i will be going to Italy and having the surgery first operation with Prof Mirco Raffaini. Oh yea and don't really contact and never book the consultation with your chosen jaw surgery doctor until you have made your medical insurance claim first and got the go ahead that you will be covered for jaw surgery.
Good Luck x