I cant afford jaw surgery right now, im not sure if I ever will or if I ever have the money I will finally do it, by then I will be too old anyway (30+)
anyway I want to at least have my crooked teeth corrected. my teeth is generally ok except my lower teeth on the front, which a couple of them are crooked.
my question is: can I go to any decent dentist/clinic, get this corrected, then years from now get jaw surgery? or does the moving of the teeth need to be related to the jaw surgery? (I would need to wear braces again if I ever want to get jaw surgery? which would suck)
do you recommend anything in special to correct crooked teeth? its just the classic crook, sort of looks like this:
I would post my own pics but i have a disgusting plaque buildup in one of my teeths which needs cleaning too and it will not go until I go to dentist.