You have a nice face. If you pursue surgery do the smallest movements possible. You could probably get away with just upper jaw surgery, bUT a large upper jaw advancement can wreck looks like no other surgery.
In your case I would avoid doing anything, you're really at no social disadvantage whatsoever with the way you look (you look quite good imo and I'm pretty harsh) especially as a female.
I think both of you are talking about my non-smiling face.
I have 2 faces

I am torn between my serious face and happy face (which is not happy at all! to me atleast!) .
My serious face aka not smiling and looking almost like im going to cry is pretty, you cant even notice my class 3 in it.
But low and behold if i smile

My face completely turns from pretty-to-ugly in seconds. I have no idea what is causing my cheeks to bulge like these do in the first 2-3 pics i posted. Is it Maxilla deficiency? and second my lower jaw is too long so that needs modification too..
I m reading the forum and I come across so many terms such as Jaw impaction , counterclock wise rotations, etc and Im not sure what i need.
I absolutely feel no confidence smiling and its very important for me.
And my Cephal Analysis confirms that I have skeletal problems. I dont understand my Caphal analysis so if anyone can help me understand it, itll be great.
But from all I know, my WITS APPRAISAL is way off and that means what exactly?
Is this why my mid face so fatty and buldgy? I want more sculptured high cheeckbones without implants or fillers, Is that possible if they advance my upper jaw?
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