Author Topic: I'm not understanding, will maxilla advancement help cheekbone projection?  (Read 2761 times)


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I understand upper jaw surgery can bring forward the maxilla and give more of an ante face. I see complaints on forums about people saying that their cheekbones look even flatter after upper jaw surgery not the maxilla. Does maxilla advancement need to be combined with a malar osteotomy? The problem is I understand that ZSO does not give barley any forward projection, only lateral. It will not help me since I have prominent cheekbones that stick out laterally. I don't want to risk getting that Lefort 3. I also barely see people with wide cheekbones having poor anterior projection of course I have that issue lol. So implants/fillers are the way to go for anterior projection if you don't want a lefort 3? Unless maxilla advancement does indeed help recessed cheeks? Very confusing stuff.

I have talked to a few surgeons and they have told me that ZSO is mostly for those who want lateral projection/wider cheeks. It seems to me that there is no reliable (Besides lefort 3) options for cheeks anterior projections bone wise. I would not do fat and am not comfortable with implants. Fillers seem to work well for others and some not.


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You would need more of a lefort ii, since a lefort iii will widen your face as well.


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You would need more of a lefort ii, since a lefort iii will widen your face as well.

I was told by two max facs that the thing I am looking for is a lefort 1, they were American surgeons so I'm not sure if they have different expectations. I have looked up lefort 2 and now agree this is probably what I am looking for, it says it is uncommonly preformed. Do you know of any european/american doctors who preform this? I hear Dr. Schendel preforms these procedures in america for relatively cheap and Dr. Sinn. I plan to consult soon.


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in a way, it can.  if you have a short midface a horizontal lengthening can pull and tighten the soft tissue, as is the case for lefort 1.  if your midface (maxilla) is short/recessed the soft tissue tends to bunch up around your zygomatic body, and pulling it forward can help accentuate them.  the osteotomy dosnt mobilize the actual zygomatic complex, but gives the illusion that theyre more defined.  it can not add actual projection. 


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I am going to pursue bimax most likely. Since it is a BSSO and Lefort 1 combined basically (I think)? And then genio. I might opt for chin implant because I'm afraid of chin looking too narrow and round afterwards. Unless there is a procedure that can square the chin/make it wider without implants. Right now I am just looking for doctors.


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The chin can be widened by osteotomies. It's cut vertically in the middle and separated, widening your jaw in the process. I wouldn't recommend it myself.

Is there any certain name for a procedure that squares the chin without implants chin widening osteotomy?? Seems like that's the only way to go with it.


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I'm not too clear on this either. Conflicting information and anecdotes are abound, and usually not comparing apples to apples.