Author Topic: Teeth are torqued. I really hope i can get someone to tilt them back in  (Read 2700 times)

backward lowerjaw

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I don't now how clear I am on the video or if you can see, I had my braces taken off today my choice, I decided to be discharged as I did not agree with the orthodontist he was only focusing on straightening my teeth and not the functional part which is much more important.  I had an alf expander to widen my jaw a few years ago, and the ortho tilted all my posterior teeth out I cnanot bite on my back teeth and hence my tongue is lying low instead of up, i.e poor facial muscles, incorrect swallowing. Now the braces are off I will now be seeing some occlusion experts next week see what they say.  My upper teeth should be tilted in lingually but they aren't