Author Topic: Im going insane: Should molars touch or not?  (Read 14855 times)


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Im going insane: Should molars touch or not?
« on: March 20, 2017, 04:22:59 PM »
Should molars touch on a neutral, resting position?

I have researched this, and it's like 50/50

Some people say only front teeth touch, other's they do touch.

In my case, molars don't touch, only fronth teeth. In order for my molars to touch, I have to bring my jaw back to snap the molars and bite.

Have in mind that my jaw is a bit recesed, noticeable on a neutral position, and when I bring my jaw back to to chew (as in when you are flexing your masseters) my profile looks like dogs**t because the recesion is very noticeable.

I look decent when I jut my jaw forward. My jaw should be a couple mm's forward....

Anyway, I have found this image, where it says it is normal that molars don't touch on a neutral resting positiong:

Mine looks like "physiologic rest position" but the upper and lower teeth don't meet, the upper teeth sits on front of the lower teeth. I think that image is not realistic. Who the hell has front teeth sitting on top of each other in a neutral resting positiong? but the black and white pic above on the right looks better.
I guess my problem is its just recessed, but I would like to know the thing about the molars touching or not.

It would be great if ONCE AND FOR ALL someone that is not some broscientist, can make this clear so I know how to address my situation better.


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Re: Im going insane: Should molars touch or not?
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2017, 06:08:44 PM »
 Occlusion refers to the contact between your teeth, so yes the top and bottom molars should be touching (lightly) at rest.

 Your issue sounds like a posterior open bite.


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Re: Im going insane: Should molars touch or not?
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2017, 06:17:17 PM »
Occlusion refers to the contact between your teeth, so yes the top and bottom molars should be touching (lightly) at rest.

 Your issue sounds like a posterior open bite.

Look at the pic I posted. Molars aren't touching. Molars touching at rest go against all literature I can find:

For all of the complexity of the masticatory system, the most basic occlusal concept is very simple indeed: the top and bottom teeth need to meet together in a way that will allow food to be chewed and swallowed. ICP is the term we will use to describe the position in which the teeth are maximally meshed together. When a restoration is carved or shaped it is usually to conform to ICP. ICP is also the position on which orthodontic classifications are based. Clench your own back teeth together now and you have it

Although ICP is a fundamental concept in occlusion, paradoxically it is not a position held by the teeth for much of the time. Assuming we are in a reasonably relaxed state of mind, classical estimates are that the teeth only come together in ICP for 17.5 minutes a day, comprising approximately 1800 chewing strokes and 500 swallowing contacts. At other times the mandible is at rest, leaving a gap of a few millimetres between top and bottom teeth (Fig 1-2). It is perhaps not surprising then that the prolonged heavy contacts of parafunctional grinding and clenching are potentially damaging.

Seems like no teeth should be touching at all in rest position..??


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Re: Im going insane: Should molars touch or not?
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2017, 04:07:53 PM »
I also thought about it once. My teeth doesn't touch in rest position at all. When I close jaws and teeth touch each others my muscles have to work and keep it together - not possible for me to "rest" in this position.


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Re: Im going insane: Should molars touch or not?
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2017, 03:02:01 AM »
This makes the most sense. With no touch your teeth aren't gonna change position over time and you don't risk TMJ, wear and tear or grinding.


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Re: Im going insane: Should molars touch or not?
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2017, 03:10:12 AM »
My teeth don't meet on one side and my muscles constantly strain to try to keep my teeth together which has made the muscles on one side more developed. I will get braces at some point to fix it, I don't have an open bite just very crooked teeth. Yes molars should touch when you bite together. Most dentists and maxillofacial surgeons I have seen said that teeth shouldn't touch at rest.


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Re: Im going insane: Should molars touch or not?
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2017, 09:45:39 AM »
My ortho told me teeth don't touch at rest.