I got fitted with an upper Alf yesterday afternoon, to get extra mms of intercanince width and reopen somehow extraction spaces.
I'm not going to get into the debate upon whether it's "sound science of not", I just wanted do give it a try, and had my bare share of braces. If some are interested, I'll keep them updated about my experience.
So, until now, here's what I can say :
- I definitely feel a pressure in the maxilla and, a light pressure on the cheekbones
- Got headaches all day, to the point I'm going to take a painkiller before going to bed
- My upper jaw and teeth hurt a lot, just like the first days of braces (And I know this feeling all too well) and I cannot bite into anything, only got liquids and yogurt today
- I breathe much better (pretty incredible), and my nose is slithy red / burning (just like when you caught a cold, more blood flow)
All in all, I wasn't expecting that kind of feelings AT ALL, it's really significant . It's too soon to say if it really works, but I do feel it just like braces, like the bones in my face are "moving" somehow, it's really strange.
Let's wait and see