Before/After Photos > Underbites

Are my jaws recessed?

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It's because you are skeletal Class III with an open bite tendency. You need CCW bimax to close the open bite and open up your airway.

My orthodontist told me my upper jaw was fine and my lower jaw grew too much is this true? So i dont need to touch my maxilla instead work on my mandible?

I didnt have an open bite before it occured when i had my braces off too early also the extractions probably shifted my teeth aswell

That makes more sense i dont think its to do with recession of my jaws but the steep mandible angle. I dont have trouble swallowing or sleeping but im constantley tired

Your maxilla is recessed. Your mandible is normal in size, but it's positioned retrognathically because your jaws rotated clockwise, so the mandible is pushed backwards and downwards by the maxilla. CCW bimax is the only (good) way to fix the bite, airway, and face.


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