Author Topic: Is there anything that can be done about the middle third of the face?  (Read 3117 times)


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I've been reading up on facial thirds, and it seems like my problem is that my middle third is too long. Is this fixable? I do have a long philtrum and slightly recessed chin, but even if I fixed that the lower third isn't the biggest problem. Is there a way to fix a long nose? I think my eyes are too high up on my head.

(Bella Hadid, who is gorgeous, seems to have a similar situation going on with her thirds. So maybe it's possible to still be pretty this way?)


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Your midface is the nose which obviously cannot be shortened. Your lower third is the area between the nose and chin, and it can be shortened with counterclockwise rotation and the philtrum can be shortened with a lip lift. Do you have a gummy smile? It sounds as though you have LFS.


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She looks like a long-midfaced Jennifer Lawrence.  You can shorten the upper lip, lengthen the chin and forehead, lower the eyebrows, but the nose cannot be shortened.  (BTW, I have a hunch that many repeat rhinoplasty patients are trying to "fix" their big nose without realising that it's simply long and unfixable in principle).


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Nose can be shortened if its long due to hanging columella. If this lady also got a successful lip lift  her midface would look more compact.

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Your midface is the nose which obviously cannot be shortened. Your lower third is the area between the nose and chin, and it can be shortened with counterclockwise rotation and the philtrum can be shortened with a lip lift. Do you have a gummy smile? It sounds as though you have LFS.

I've been told that I don't have clinical LFS. So what can be done to fix a face with a long nose? I would like to shorten my philtrum, but that still won't even out the midface area.


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I saw your pictures. You have a gummy smile, lip incompetence with visible chin dimpling, bimax recession with a flattish chin and increased anterior facial height, so technically you do have the classic earmarks for LFS albeit your case is not severe. You don't have a long midface because your nose is the same length as your forehead which means they're balanced. If you want to fix it and make your face "normal", you need bimax with counterclockwise rotation. Not many surgeons can perform it well, though. Gunson is the best, so schedule a consultation with him if you're serious about fixing this and have the money and motivation.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 02:30:32 PM by CCW »


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I saw your pictures. You have a gummy smile, lip incompetence with visible chin dimpling, bimax recession with a flattish chin and increased anterior facial height, so technically you do have the classic earmarks for LFS albeit your case is not severe. You don't have a long midface because your nose is the same length as your forehead which means they're balanced. If you want to fix it and make your face "normal", you need bimax with counterclockwise rotation. Not many surgeons can perform it well, though. Gunson is the best, so schedule a consultation with him if you're serious about fixing this and have the money and motivation.

Is it that bad? I didn't realize it was clinical LFS. I got facial fillers to try and help, but I don't really know if I look "normal exactly.

I made a few appointments for maxillofacial consultations in my area.


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Hey red lips
I have a very similar problem to u! I have moderate vertical maxillary excess my case is not severe
I wish my midface was shorter! I have a gummy smile and slightly recessed chin and lip incompetence
I would love to fix this but I'm scared jaw surgery will completely change my face:(
I prob need only 4mm impaction not even so surgery seems so invasive. I'm still looking into it tho
Have u found any info or decided on  anyn treatment? Maybe private message me ur email address
And I can show u pics and talk more about our case. I'm
Also in the dental field and met with a few doctors so maybe we can help eachother