Hi all! I just wanted to post a 6 month post op update! I've had a very smooth recovery with very few issues. My teeth and bite are in good condition and my braces are off, but my TMJ has gone to hell. It's way worse than it was before the operation, but it's been worth it overall!
My face and profile are overall far more balanced and I don't feel as much tension in my neck and face as I did before, even with my TMJ issues. My overbite and asymmetry appear to be gone for good and while I still feel weird when I smile, I am happy! I have some numbness and tingling in my teeth and in a small patch of my chin under my lip, but it's barely noticeable unless I poke at it. Hopefully it all fades away eventually!
Now for a few pictures!
A quick before reminder:

And after!

I don't regret the operation even though it worsened my TMJ, I finally feel comfortable with my face and my bite!