Author Topic: (UPDATE+PICCS)Consult with a dr in Belgium (overbite, HA paste, jawline shaving)  (Read 15085 times)


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No, I haven't. In my opinion she should've been rotated more.


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That was a bad result.  What do you think he did here -   moved the whole maxilla down?

Yes and thats a fantastic result


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It sure is. But I am guessing no rotation was involved. He just downgrafted the maxilla while advancing the mandible. Looks like a substantive down graft too.

Anyway good for that kiddo. Transformative.


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Had exact same experience with him in regards to pushing the use of HA paste.


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As prometheus said, he was probably taught to use HA when it was all the rage like some surgeons push medpor if they were learning under the medpor revolution.

Most surgeons don't continue learning they just use what they were taught to and are comfortable with.
In some ways it is better to let them use their chosen material as they will have years of experience with it unlike a newer material.


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I think you're right Bowie. If not for this fracture I think I would let him use HA as he has decades of experience with it. Although you would have thought decades of experience would have provided a few more case studies showing how great it is.......
Yeah personally I don't think HA can do much so wouldn't go to a surgeon who uses it, if you want augmentation with a specific material then you really have to go with whatever surgeon is routinely using that material.
Unfortunately, that kind of blasé attitude you describe, like forgetting previous conversations and doing things "on the fly" is common amongst surgeons.
Although to us, our lives often depend upon these surgeries, the surgeons see god knows how many of our cases on a daily basis.
Not to excuse them as he should have looked at the previous email but this is the reality.


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For the surgeon it's A surgery, for you it's THE surgery. They don't have to live with the consequences, you do.


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Exactly. I just kinda expected more after having paid 1000 euro.
I'm actually being unfair now, I think. His proposal seems good and he hasn't been especially bad at anything, just very blasé about things that are a big deal to me.
I suppose these surgeons get a lot of customers who aren't as thorough as we are, and that do just trust the surgeon to do the best thing. But as we know, egos are dangerous in a game like this. He probably fully believes HA is top dog.
The HA is so cheap and I cant afford a separate operation at a later date, plus I need the jaws moved, so I might have to say f**k it and go ahead.

Keep in mind the HA he uses is not like any other HA. During my consultation with Dr Van Der Dussen we were talking about flat midfaces and he said that one way to augment flat midface is to use a granules via technique him and Joel Defrancq developed while they working together back in the day (I imagine he was taking about HA paste).


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Just look at an x-ray of an ha onlay graft. It looks like rough putty. It's imprecise and it's an irritant.


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Why are these reputable surgeons (DF , Gunson) using it?  Df just sent someone I know an email saying HA wont be inflammatory at all and will not absorb.


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Gunson uses it too. People say he uses it "in a different way". Idk . Do not see Gunson's use as an orthodoxy or the retirement scheme you suggested. But yes confusing = s


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Okay Update!!
I had another appointment this week (its my 3d already and I have to come a 4th time before surgery).
The plan now is:
moving upper jaw 3 mm forward, some CCW rotation and down grafting (one side more than the other because of my asymmetry).
Lower jaw forward and 4 mm genioplasty.
some HA paste cheekbones and under the eyes.

Sorry that you can't see some parts of the after pics.


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Can I ask how you got your scan?? I've been emailing for months and had no reply.


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Those movements are tiny and won't give you much of an aesthetic change. Get a second and third opinion.


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Can I ask how you got your scan?? I've been emailing for months and had no reply.

I just called the hospital and made an appointment. Then he made these scans.