Hey guys.
I went to Raffaini in june this year!!!! This is my experience...

I contacted his secretary Elisa and she speaks basic English and I had no problem communicating with her and getting back quick email replies. I organised my flight and went out in early June.
Now raffaini is whole other issue lol !!!!?

!!!! He knew i flew over and so did elisa but when i arrived it was like i just come from round the way LOL no hello how was your flight would you like a drink of water! nuting, nada soooo i thought that was not very caring or patient attentive. Then i went and had x rays. Met a lovely guy there also who had his face rebuilt by raffaini but he was born with major facial structure issues and raffaini basically made him look normal again. Anyway had my consultation with him and it didn't quite go to plan. By the way his office is nice and clean and fancy etc but his ego is a tad too big unfortunately. He isn't a full blown sociopath but definitely some narcissistic personality disorder going on. So i went in and my family member was also with me. He checked my x rays and dental cast and i told him i want to improve my profile, jawline, asymmetry and it was mainly cosmetic. I mentioned surgery first approach as he does do that technique and he just brushed it off like it was a load of b.s which i found a little bit worrying as that was one of the main reasons i went to him! lol
He then told me that all he could really do was put some filler or fat transfer in my chin/jawline but it would be a small change. I told him i was interested in 2 jaw surgery and what e said next really worried me and i realised he was also a huge liar!!! lol
I mentioned the amazing results that i see coming out of South Korea and the 2 jaw surgery video blogs i watch on YouTube from people of all backgrounds/countries having it done and having a lot of success and being really happy with the results. He told me that basically all South Korea surgery results were lies and that 2 jaw surgery...WAIT FOR IT LOL...didn't actually exist or was real!!!!!???!!! I knew at that point it was a done deal. I have no idea why he made out 2 jaw surgery was a myth/conspiracy theory when it is a recognised and used method of jaw correction surgery. Probably the most used treatment for jaw surgery!
When i didn't think it could get any weirder it was time to "STEP INTO THE TWILIGHT ZONE"!!!!LOL
He then asked me if my lips were real and did i have implants/fillers to which i replied yes they are 100% real and i get them from my father who had a large full mouth. My whole life i have been asked if my lips are real so i was kinda use to it but he insisted they were fake so then he asked me if he could examine my face/chin/teeth etc in his special examination chair in the same room but in a area at the back of the room so i did (my family member was also present in the room) and then with elisa his nurse/secretary standing by he started touching my lips and massaging them to feel the flesh inside and started again saying nooo nnoo there is filler or an implant in here, so i said no they are real OMG and looked at my family member and asked them to assure him they were real LOL then he looked i think at my face etc and then we went back over to the desk to examine my 3D cone scan i had done at his clinic before my consultation. He realised at some point that my lips were real and when he saw my scan i think somehow it showed that they were natural. He didn't apologise, he just said no no they are natural, you just have a lot of flesh in your lips LOL HAHAHAHA OMG like WTF is going on. His ego seriously is outta control.
I not only felt violated and judge but i felt like he had no right to molest my f**king lips lol and not ask permission first. I really lost all respect for him at that point i forgot why i have even gone there in the first place as my lip were taking centre stage!!!
He basically said all he could do was offer fat transfer to fill out jaw line, profile and asymmetry.
I really feel like it was a wasted journey and also felt insecure at the airport going home - thinking everyone was looking at me and my big fake looking (natural) lips LOL
I just wanted to tell you all my experience with the man.
Good luck. x