Author Topic: Did having ONLY ONE tooth extracted while growing mess up my face so bad??  (Read 1007 times)


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Had an upper left bicuspid extracted when i was eleven. (its the side with the mark above my lip)

I don't know where to go for opinions, people say im fine, but i want honest people who aren't friends and family who say all kinds of bs.

There is something pretty wrong with my face, asymmetry and my nose being the most obvious thing,
but since i was very symmetrycal before a member of the family, who is a dentist decided to take ONE TOOTH out and throw that symmetry out the window. Now you see why i don't trust them? Now everything seems just a little off, but im also scarred at the fact its gonna take multiple surgeries to correct this.

Then when i ws 18, my lower teeth still crowding, another dentist suggests to take out the other bicuspid to create better midline and get both jaw braces. so he takes another bicuspid out but didnt wear braces so the gap on the right remained.

Now, 26, very sad about looks. right profile completley different from left one. nose leaning to side, dunno whats up with the jaws :'(

im in braces now to close the gap, but only after ive put them have i started googling and understanding facial bones somewha and what extractions do to you and so on.
So my question is, can jaw surgery align my face somewhat? do i have to have a modified lefort? and is symmetry even achievable with surgeries or will it make it worse? im not hoping to look like movie star here, but i when i see photos of my left profile (photo 4) i feel devastated, im just glad ill never be able to see that profile in person!

my calculation is that i need bimax, nose and cheeks improved but it also feels like thats too much to change! :-\

here are the photos


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You're not bad looking at all

Nor can i see anything "wrong" with your face, other than to say you will benefit from bimax and genio.

EDIT: to clarify, I think you're quite pretty, nice features, but you are very obviously a classic case for bimax treatment (flat upper lip, recessed jaws etc). Maybe CCW rotation, but maybe not. Definitely worth investigating bimax however.

I didnt notice any asymmetry until the 3rd time i looked, but you must realize everyone has asymmetry including hollywood stars. If it really bothers you, I think the only area its noticeable is in profile, and on the jaw angles. Talk to a surgeon about it and see what can be done, but I don't think its particularly noticeable.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2017, 09:43:36 AM by ppsk »


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First off youre quite pretty.  Your looks wont hold you back in life any more than you let them. 

I had EXACTLY the same childhood treatment as you.  Its worse to have your jaws artifically narrowed as a guy, given the modern aesthetics. 

If it is really bothering you, and youre already in braces, you can look into a bimax surgery.  Remember to consult with several oral surgeons and find one who pays strong attention to aesthetics.  If you can find an oral surgeon whos also a cosmetic (plastic) surgeon theyre best, although quite rare.  Dont be averse to travel.

Rhino would benifit you aswell.  You can look into fat grafting, fillers or implants for the finishing touches.  Remember jaw surgery first; you need a properly aligned skeletal base before you can start refining the details.

Finally, dont be so hard on yourself! Again you are pretty!
Good luck!