Author Topic: Braces taken off after Double Jaw surgery NHS Not happy  (Read 4644 times)


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Braces taken off after Double Jaw surgery NHS Not happy
« on: May 09, 2017, 04:14:06 PM »
Hi guys!

I had my braces taken off a few weeks ago.
I've had braces for 2+ years and had double jaw surgery under NHS in December.
And my underbite was solved!

A month after the surgery I noticed that my mouth was canted, but my ortho never mentioned it and my surgeon didn't too.
So I figured it will be sorted.
The one time I tried to tell my ortho about the tilt, she told me not to worry about it.

And soon enough she got me off of braces.
But now, its more obvious than ever.
Esp with the retainers.
And I look weird when I smile hard, so I just try to mask my smile.

I don't know what to do.
I'm not happy with my mouth at all.
My bite is good but its all tilted.
And I am afraid to say anything because the surgery was free under NHS, and I don't want to sound ungrateful!

Can anyone give me any advice on how I can go about bringing it up with her?

I'm so sad because now people are gonna wonder "if she got surgery why is her mouth still like that?"

Am I just overanalysing things?
Please help me.

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Re: Braces taken off after Double Jaw surgery NHS Not happy
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2017, 12:23:38 PM »

I am sorry to hear that you are not happy with your result. And I can understand, you indeed have a bit of a cant and it seems like you still have a  small crossbite (on the right side of the picture). It is not perfect. But I think nobody in everyday life will notice and nobody will be in the least bothered by your teeth, people will think your smile is fine, so definitely no need to mask your smile.
But if you are not happy I think it is worth to get a second opinion. Your own ortho and surgeon will probably not admit they might have done something wrong, so better to go to somebody else (other hospital, other city) I think. I hope you can get it sorted out, or else accept it as it is and get peace with it. Good luck!



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Re: Braces taken off after Double Jaw surgery NHS Not happy
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2017, 12:57:15 PM »
It's very apparent there is a cant to the occlusional angle.
Did you surgeon not inform your Ortho to remain in braces during the post-op care? This is usually around 6 months.
I cannot find a reason as to why your Ortho did not know that the bones do tend to shift around after surgery, even with titanium plates and screws. This is negligence at the least.
You should try and speak to her as to why your care ended so soon. There is not going to be much for braces to fix this, you'd have to undergo another surgery to fix this. As soon as you alerted her there was some canting apparent, I do not believe she should have ignored your concerns.

There are however, other options you can explore. Find another Ortho and get a AAO transfer form (from your original Orthodontist), then work with another Oral surgeon or the same one.

If you feel as if you were misinformed of the complications afterwards, or not aware, and your Ortho ignored your issues, file a licensing board complaint.


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Re: Braces taken off after Double Jaw surgery NHS Not happy
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2017, 05:03:21 PM »
Above, It looks like she did have braces for 6 months post op.

If I was you id be seeking an explanation. we know surgery has its risks but that doesn't usurp your entitlement to an explanation of why the cant has occured.

You are not being unresonable, what is however unresonable is the lack of recognition of this problem. You need a solid explanation, my guess is that they might give recognition but will likely say that you've had relapse post surgery. This is an easy excuse for them that may or may not be true.

Can you remember if the cant was present right after surgery?

I had a similar a problem, it has yet to be acknowledged despite my best efforts and all evidence being in my favour.

Just because a service is free it doesn't mean you should receive substandard care.

Good luck and my sympathy is with you.


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Re: Braces taken off after Double Jaw surgery NHS Not happy
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2017, 04:27:59 AM »
I can see a occlusional cant and a crossbite. It looks like your teeth are straight but the surgery result is far from ideal. You mentioned "A month after the surgery I noticed that my mouth was canted" so it cannot be a relapse. I believe it's the surgeon that put your upper and lower jaw into a bad position.

Do you have any TMJ discomfort or pain? In the very long run condylar (TMJ) hyperplasia (if you have it) may contribute to lower jaw relapse, but still your upper jaw is totally your surgeon's fault.

Please do get a second opinion from physicians other than your ortho and surgeon since those two might be buddies and may not tell the truth.


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Re: Braces taken off after Double Jaw surgery NHS Not happy
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2017, 01:42:44 PM »
Send me a pic
"Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.”

had upper jaw surgery on 5th October 2015