Author Topic: Orofacial myofunctional therapy for surgery rehab or nasal breathing training?  (Read 1220 times)


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Hi all, OSA patient here than just had palatal expansion and genioglossus advancement done about a month ago.

Recovery is going generally well, but It appears I am still mouth breathing in my sleep, either because my body is used to it or because my mouth muscles tends to relax in sleep.

My surgeon wants me to do myofunctional therapy to change how I breathe, and he says it will also speed up recovery time (I still have some parasthesia on one side of my upper lip and in my chin).

However, the price quoted by the specialist he recommended for a year of therapy is equivalent to what I paid for braces. Has anyone used this therapy for rehab purposes or been successfully able to retrain their breathing? It seems like it has lot of promise but I don't see how it's worth the cost- seems like something I should be able to figure out myself if I can find proper resources.

Curious to hear what the board thinks.


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yes; it is excruciating though.

Stuff that doesn't cost much i'd consider to HELP you re training your whole brain basically is:

Lip trainer: called PATAKARA, seems shady but it's 100000 times more effective than the s**tty "button" myofunctional trainers give you
Soulet besombes (ACOM) activator: huge impact.

MOUTH TAPE: Actually buy some rolls (MICROPORE 3M 1x) and tape your mouth while having the soulet besombes on.

If you do ALL OF THIS, plus constantly sticking your tongue on the rooth of your mouth 24/7, you will succeed.

Also look into buteyko method, that is even more difficult to learn, i'm trying to master that too.

All of these things are effective AS A WHOLE.

took me more than a year to start to improve and appreciate the benefits but it changed my life


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Hey, thanks for the detailed reply.

What makes it excruciating? That sprint activator looks like its not made for wearing with braces.

And why do you want your tongue against the roof of the mouth 24/7? Right now mine feels bizarre from the genio and thats a bit difficult.

The therapist is a buteyko instructor so that's an encouraging sign- really just the cost that's turning me off. Do you have an videos you've watched or resources you'd recommend?


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yes; it is excruciating though.

Stuff that doesn't cost much i'd consider to HELP you re training your whole brain basically is:

Lip trainer: called PATAKARA, seems shady but it's 100000 times more effective than the s**tty "button" myofunctional trainers give you
Soulet besombes (ACOM) activator: huge impact.

MOUTH TAPE: Actually buy some rolls (MICROPORE 3M 1x) and tape your mouth while having the soulet besombes on.

If you do ALL OF THIS, plus constantly sticking your tongue on the rooth of your mouth 24/7, you will succeed.

Also look into buteyko method, that is even more difficult to learn, i'm trying to master that too.

All of these things are effective AS A WHOLE.

took me more than a year to start to improve and appreciate the benefits but it changed my life

What are the changes that Soulet Besombes activator make to your face?


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breathing better will change your life at laeast as much as fixing your jaw. its a game changer, you ll sleep much better, you wont be so wired, your posture will get better, etc etc.

if you are based in the us, look up the postural restauration institute, they have brought the russian s technique into the 21st century. and to come full circle, asside from breath and posture they look at your occlusion. everything is conected to everything..