Author Topic: have I ruined my face and my life or can sth be done?  (Read 10994 times)


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Re: have I ruined my face and my life or can sth be done?
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2017, 05:31:30 AM »
The problem with threads like this is that nobody can even know for sure if what you're seeing is legitimate or a negatively skewed perception of yourself, and nobody can answer "what can be done?" because nobody knows what was done / what is.  If you don't post pictures or xrays, any answers within this thread are conjecture.

Also, I agree with others that five weeks may be too soon to judge the outcome, though I'd think you should have a pretty good idea of how everything will generally look by that point...

Thank you. I understand what you're saying, I agree. Ill post pictures when Im ready..
About the whole 5 wks post op.. Is it really that changes between 5 wks and lets say 3 month so dramatic? Or is it just the way to keep patients calm and get "used" to their new look? thank you.


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Re: have I ruined my face and my life or can sth be done?
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2017, 09:19:59 AM »
Is it really that changes between 5 wks and lets say 3 month so dramatic? Or is it just the way to keep patients calm and get "used" to their new look? thank you.

I do think saying "swelling" is a way to keep patients calm, but there's a little truth in it because things change subtly. I wouldn't expect major changes after 6 weeks.
Millimeters are miles on the face.


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Re: have I ruined my face and my life or can sth be done?
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2017, 02:59:08 PM »
I do think saying "swelling" is a way to keep patients calm, but there's a little truth in it because things change subtly. I wouldn't expect major changes after 6 weeks.
I fully agree with this.


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Re: have I ruined my face and my life or can sth be done?
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2017, 04:44:47 PM »
I had cheek implants as well, I thought the BIG FACE was due to them. As you I feel the face has just blown up, especially when I smile.
It might be that it's still constant swelling and the body is reacting to the implants (in my case). As you I don't like BIG FACES, it's really masculine and unattractive. You need to find someone who can redo it but understands to keep the face AND JAW elegant and SMALL.
I don't quiet understand how some people here like results posted where female jaws become Shark Fins and a soft and feminine face blows up like a balloon.
If a woman has been pretty before, that's really unflattering. BIG IS NOT BEAUTIFUL when it comes to a face

I totally agree .. Im still hoping its the swelling.. not sure how long should I wait?


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Re: have I ruined my face and my life or can sth be done?
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2017, 04:48:18 PM »
If you don't wait too long, you could save the nerve by doing revision. It could have been squeezed or stretched somewhere and revision may help with that. In general revision should be done quickly, or you have to go through the healing process all over again which is in general 6 months (not 1 like doctors tell you).

My face looks longer now and the maxilla is too protruded. Women these days have much higher standards and a lot of (sorry) moronic doctors are really old and from the last generation to understand.
A female face needs to look elegant and small. Jaw Surgery, if not done well, can truly distort the facial features of a pretty woman.
You will still look attractive somehow, but just not as good as you were used to. People who didn't know you before will not notice, but you will notice the difference in behavior of your environment in general.

Don't worry, everything can be redone and reversed.

Thank you that's very comforting. Tell me pls, (my surgeon says my nerve must have been stretched and I must wait..) how do I check whats causing it? and if revision or removing plates could help? I think its the plate thats just next to my nostril I may be completely wrong but this is where I feel pain constantly and its same side where my nose/upper and lower lip are numb/damaged/crooked. How do I proceed? In terms of revision - I guess I need to wait a bit as Im not yet ready to start the journey all over again. My surgeon said he thinks all is great and he would not perform a revision, period. So for me it'd mean finding someone who would..


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Re: have I ruined my face and my life or can sth be done?
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2017, 05:10:15 PM »
I do think saying "swelling" is a way to keep patients calm, but there's a little truth in it because things change subtly. I wouldn't expect major changes after 6 weeks.

That's what I thought....


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Re: have I ruined my face and my life or can sth be done?
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2017, 05:36:11 PM »
Trust your own instincts, not the surgeon.
Yes, it could be the plate. If the nerve is stretched and taken care of early on, it can heal. But if you wait up to one year, it is usually permanent and you could end up living in constant pain.
If you feel it looks off, do something about it. It is your face, and you know what looks good on you.
I really can tell the difference by the way people are treating me. I used to have a very feminine, childlike face, and this came after Plastic Surgery and fillers.

At 33, I aimed to look younger (I started to get really bad eye wrinkles) and get rid of my chin ptosis, that is why I had surgery in the first place.
I told the doctor that I do not want to have a long face. He said, I won't and his approach was to widen the face with implants. So in fact, now I have a huge face that got longer and wider (especially when I smile). It looks so awkward when you know how you looked before.
Others don't notice, but you can tell that some people just look away or give you a bad vibe bc somehow your facial features DON't FIT.
Many people don't really see what your aim is bc they didn't know you very pretty, so they will say you look fine. But you know if you look worse and this should;t be the case after this surgery.

I see.. Well if its ANY consolation at least you cannot blame yourself.. I was stupid enough NOT to push for what i thought was right, I was thinking well he must know what he's doing. My biggest regret is I didn't tell him I do not want longer, I do not care about my lower being shorter I like it this way, I did tell him once I like my face when lying down and it doesn't bother me its short but that was in the beginning. before surgery I couldn't sleep and I felt this is sth I didn't stress enough. .. So now on top of everything I feel like I could have stop this disaster and I didn't. (terrible feeling).
I agree w your suggestion about the nerve I just don't know how to go about it? should neurologist be able to say looking at scan or RTG if the nerve could be damaged by plates or sth?


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Re: have I ruined my face and my life or can sth be done?
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2017, 04:35:48 PM »
Don't despair, please. You can get it sorted.

Maxilliary downgrafting should never be done on anyone who doesn't have a runt-like appearance. Everyone (especially women) can get away with having a slightly too short face.

Sorry to bump an old thread - but what makes you say this? I need it desperately, imho


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Re: have I ruined my face and my life or can sth be done?
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2017, 09:35:36 AM »
Dont worry if its genuinely needed Downgraft can be a life saver , especially for males with squished faces. Also , I know this user , her unfavorable result is more due to undue CW rotation vs mere downgraft. She is still pretty but yes her surgeon is a goofball when it comes to aesthetics.


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Re: have I ruined my face and my life or can sth be done?
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2017, 09:28:17 AM »
Sorry, didn't see this.

I think downgrafting is useful for sure.

But for women in particular, it's worse having a too long mid face IMO than a too short one.