Author Topic: Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)  (Read 19058 times)


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2013, 09:01:48 PM »
Daf, has your recovery been easier or harder than anticipated? Is the recovery as bad as people say (assuming no complications)?

Also, do you have numbness or tingling in the chin area?

first 3-4 days are like being on a different planet, in terms of dealing with yourself and your lack of jaw function/ swelling/ pain. Those days are the worst, I can confidently say they were some of the worst days of my life.

But after that, my healing has been swift it seems. I have trouble finding my bite, as I used to always jut my jaw out before. Now I have to make an effort to pull it back into place, or face complications down the road (I am told).

I have been taking Cissus Quadranglis and GHRP-2/CJC-1295 religiously, which hopefully will help bone union come quicker. All three compounds have a few studies done that show they are beneficial for healing bones, but nothing extensive.

I am numb everywhere, and will be for months I assume. There is a tingling and throbbing always in my jaw and lips (deep down...).

Yes, I do hope to get jaw surgery. I'm going the sleep apnea route too. At the moment I'm using a CPAP machine. I have to prove that I can not tolerate that therapy before I can move on to other procedures, like jaw surgery.

Before I decided on jaw surgery I was looking into genioplastys done as a lone surgery. I saw some before and after shots of a guy who used to have a very weak chin, basically no chin at all. He had a double genio where they make two cuts to the bone at the same time, and use two sets of plates and screws. He had it moved forward about 9mm with a couple of mm downward movement. The after shots looked really good, strong chin, strong jawline. If you're not happy with your chin maybe ask for an extra couple of mm of downward movement. In my opinion your jawline looks good now but I can understand your feelings about your chin.

Sounds like you have a few hoops to jump through. Mine was fairly straightforward, as Canadian healthcare takes a majority of the fees. How is the CPAP? Sounds like the worst thing for a young guy to have :(

The double cut genio sounds intense- I have heard of some peoples chins being so delicate after that the surgeon put a 'do not touch' post it note on the chin. My surgeon manhandles my chin when I go see him, so I assume he thinks its in a stable position.


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2013, 06:15:24 AM »
Daf...... I think your chin looks great as is.    Not everybody needs or looks good in super chins.


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2013, 07:17:29 AM »
Sounds like you have a few hoops to jump through. Mine was fairly straightforward, as Canadian healthcare takes a majority of the fees. How is the CPAP? Sounds like the worst thing for a young guy to have :(

Yeah I don't like the CPAP, I'm just going through the motions with that to see if I can get an NHS jaw surgery.

The double cut genio sounds intense- I have heard of some peoples chins being so delicate after that the surgeon put a 'do not touch' post it note on the chin. My surgeon manhandles my chin when I go see him, so I assume he thinks its in a stable position.

This is probably why this procedure is not performed so regularly. The chin is bound to be less stable after being cut twice, it's probably also a lot easier to break a thin slice of bone. I've heard of something else called a 'box cut' genioplasty. Someone on another forum had their chin slid forward 15mm with one. That seems like a huge distance to add to a chin, but they were happy with the result.


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2013, 07:19:26 AM »
Daf...... I think your chin looks great as is.    Not everybody needs or looks good in super chins.

It looks fine but he had a vision of how he wanted his jawline to look before the surgery. I don't see any harm in trying to get as close to that as possible, especially if the next surgery is free.


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2013, 08:15:46 AM »
True ... Totally up to the individual.   I'm sure he'll look great either way.    Big thing is that his airway is bigger now.   That alone will be a big life changer.  The extra geinio should be a piece of cake after going through the double jaw surgery.


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #35 on: April 05, 2013, 03:53:42 AM »
True ... Totally up to the individual.   I'm sure he'll look great either way.    Big thing is that his airway is bigger now.   That alone will be a big life changer.  The extra geinio should be a piece of cake after going through the double jaw surgery.

I should have mentioned, I need about half the sleep I used to. I am getting between 5-7 hours a night and feel way better than I did before surgery, no matter how much sleep I had. Check out my blog for a more detailed writeup regarding sleep, surgeon checkup, and healing.

Week 3 photos:


Kanye West - Through The Wire


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #36 on: May 07, 2013, 11:11:12 PM »
Week 7 (ish)

The last month has been crazy. I spent 10 hours a day for 10+ days sitting in the library working on math and economics for my final exams. There is a lot to study when you miss 3 weeks of upper-level courses! But I got through them, and with decent marks (gold star).

Then I moved to Calgary in order to find work. I am now just settling into my new place. So it has been very busy, and I have had little time to take photos of myself, let alone blog. But it feels good to post, heh.

My jaw feels good! I have been eating solid food since 4 weeks (started with a delicious donair), and started working out once again right afterwards. I feel a slight pain if I eat too much, so I still blend a lot of food (4000+ cals). My bottom lip is really numb, still, and as such I sort of gum my food in order to avoid accidentally chewing my lips.

My surgeon said that everything is healing up very very quickly. There was an x ray taken at 4 weeks and it showed my lower jaw partially fused, but my chin still had a clear cut. I am not sure how effective the supplements I used were, but for the price, I would use them again. The GHRP made eating lots a breeze, and that was super helpful in itself.

I am going to see a surgeon in Calgary, just for a checkup, sometime in July.

Speaking of July... I got my job back for Stampede! You know what that means....

Any who, here are my week 7 photos. I am spending the summer bulking, so you guys get to watch my facial aesthetics melt away (feelsbadman).


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #37 on: May 08, 2013, 06:14:02 AM »
Looks great....looks natural like you never had surgery


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #38 on: June 15, 2013, 01:03:14 PM »
Sorry if I missed this, but who was the surgeon and what was the cost involved?

Awesome looking results.