The last month has been crazy. I spent 10 hours a day for 10+ days sitting in the library working on math and economics for my final exams. There is a lot to study when you miss 3 weeks of upper-level courses! But I got through them, and with decent marks (gold star).
Then I moved to Calgary in order to find work. I am now just settling into my new place. So it has been very busy, and I have had little time to take photos of myself, let alone blog. But it feels good to post, heh.
My jaw feels good! I have been eating solid food since 4 weeks (started with a delicious donair), and started working out once again right afterwards. I feel a slight pain if I eat too much, so I still blend a lot of food (4000+ cals). My bottom lip is really numb, still, and as such I sort of gum my food in order to avoid accidentally chewing my lips.
My surgeon said that everything is healing up very very quickly. There was an x ray taken at 4 weeks and it showed my lower jaw partially fused, but my chin still had a clear cut. I am not sure how effective the supplements I used were, but for the price, I would use them again. The GHRP made eating lots a breeze, and that was super helpful in itself.
I am going to see a surgeon in Calgary, just for a checkup, sometime in July.
Speaking of July... I got my job back for Stampede! You know what that means....

Any who, here are my week 7 photos. I am spending the summer bulking, so you guys get to watch my facial aesthetics melt away (feelsbadman).