Author Topic: New Zealander with (class 2) Want opinions on what treatments to get and where.  (Read 1071 times)


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Hello all. New user here. I am seeking opinions on what I appear to be a good candidate on recieving treatment for. I have yet to seek professional opinions and advice but Ill start here. From what I've learned on the internet I have what looks like a class 2 division ii malloclusion. A crossbite. Rotated lower wisdom teeth. Top wisdoms are fine and there is space behind them. Bottom wisdoms are not impacted. I was diagnosed with TMD in my right tmj since 17 however and it clicks when eating, even soft food. I snor and have bad sleep quality. Can only sleep on my side. I have to jut my lower jaw back and forth when chewing and my right tmj pops in and out of its condyle everytime. I also hate my profile and flat cheeks. Midface is slightly too long but i Don't have a gummy smile. My biggest worry is the fact that it seems like New Zealand maxillofacial surgeons are imcompetant and I don't want to risk it getting treated here if thats the case. But I believe its a must for me to get treated somewhere for this at some point. My joint is sore. I grind my teeth at night and more than likely have sleep apnea. Well damn...Anyways here is some pictures for you all to look at and please let me know what you think. Should I go overseas for this issue?
« Last Edit: July 22, 2017, 02:59:20 PM by KiwiZeal »


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Here are some more photos to give you a better idea of my appearnce and tooth alignment.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2017, 02:57:55 PM by KiwiZeal »