Author Topic: Would jaw surgery and sliding genioplasty make my face look like this?  (Read 1881 times)


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I like how my bottom jaw looks when jutted out forward but it seems to look a bit forced. Would jaw surgery and a sliding genioplasty give me this look while looking natural? I would like the ramus to be more defined.

Sorry for all these questions, but what insurance would give the best chance for me to get approved. Thx!


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Re: Would jaw surgery and sliding genioplasty make my face look like this?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2017, 01:50:28 PM »


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Re: Would jaw surgery and sliding genioplasty make my face look like this?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2017, 08:36:31 PM »
Nope it won't. Also that's an underbite you're making w/the lower lip advancement.


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Re: Would jaw surgery and sliding genioplasty make my face look like this?
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2017, 05:29:39 PM »
Yes, although the chin does align correctly with the nose, it just looks like you have a straight up underbite, my friend.

From the looks of it, it seems that you have a recessed maxilla and a recessed chin.

How you can tell is through the upturned nose,

The curve of the cupid's bow from you side profile (how your phillitrum is straight and then at the very end curves up which displays lip incompetence and usually means crowding of the teeth in the upper-maxilla and/or a narrow palate),

How big the bottom lip is (which normally reflects crowding of the bottom teeth and/or a narrow lower jaw),

And the slightly deep naso-labial folds (usually a sign of recessed maxilla and/or no underlying supporting bone structure where the base of the nose is).

CCW bimax advancement w/ impaction AND BSSO/genio would help.

I explain all of this because I have all of these exact same traits, and sadly it is a result of the american diet, inefficient nutrition (sugars and flower) no hard foods, AND growing up, I was a MOUTHBREATHER TOO. I hope all of this helps you determine where and who you're going to Raptors. Have a good day.

Just curious, how does an upturned nose signify an issue?


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Re: Would jaw surgery and sliding genioplasty make my face look like this?
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2017, 05:48:53 PM »
Just curious, how does an upturned nose signify an issue?
It doesn't.