Author Topic: I'm Having Jaw Surgery, What Should I Ask From The Doc For Aesthetics?  (Read 939 times)


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So, i'm having meet up with orthodontist, jaw surgeon, plastic surgeon.
I have cross bite and i think they need to move my chin/jaw forward since its behind, also my maxilla.

Also doc told me this "you probably dont need genioplasty because these 2 procedures might be enough" (i think he told me somthing about lefort n saggital mandibular osteomy)
We dont still know yet if i need genioplasty since they havent seen x-rays yet. Even if i dont need it should i take it for the aesthetics?

Cuz why not get all kind of benefits from this surgery, if theyre gonna do it to me why shouldnt i do everything at once to improve my looks. What should i ask from em to achieve strong chin/strong jaw? Genioplasty + if they could make my jaw more angular? And high lefort? Doesnt that make people "beautiful" the maxilla.

Sorry if this post is messy, am tired rn and made it in hurry xd