Author Topic: rhinoplasty. is Europe worthwhile for US patients?  (Read 4216 times)


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rhinoplasty. is Europe worthwhile for US patients?
« on: September 20, 2021, 05:34:01 PM »
Basically my questions can be boiled down into:

Is it even worth (cost) going to Europe for a rhinoplasty?
Is the cost of visiting R (below) even worthwhile?
Any other surgeons or options I should be looking into?

I'm preparing to consult for rhinoplasty this year and ideally have surgery early next year (2022). I have visited 2 surgeons (local surgeon, grigoryants) and personally decided against going with either. The other doctors I'd like to consult are mentioned below.

I'm struggling with timelines and costs for rhinoplasty. I would like my surgery done by summer next year. While I realize waiting for the best surgeon and going with the best you can for your face is the most important advice one can take, I really do not want to wait. I am pursuing surgery for both functional (I have a deviated septum and have trouble breathing through my nose at all times of the day) and cosmetic (this honestly matters more to me than the functional result, I've lived with a nose that does work for a good deal of my life).

I am also really struggling with the nose being botched. I see so many bad results and so many people upset with their noses. I really would just want to shave my dorsal hump, deproject my tip a bit, and that's it. Wouldn't want to ruin my nostrils, go too small, or really just add more risk to the procedure. I have already had jaw surgery and unfortunately don't feel my nose 'appears' less prominent (my maxilla was moved forward).

Docs I am considering

1) Z: I want a chin/side wing anyway and knocking off both surgeries seems appealing. I am planning on seeing him soon in Dec to determine if a chin wing is even an option given my previous jaw surgery. Unsure how he is with noses, the pictures online seem decent enough and I know he's been a popular mention among the forums. I've visited him before.

2) Kosins: I have read/seen good things about him. Many Reddit users seem to like him and his results too. The only issue is the earliest consultation available is July 2022 and then surgery scheduled a year afterwards. This doesn't fit in with my timelines really, but he's based in the US (I'm in the US as well)

3) Raffaini: I could visit Parma while I'm going to Berlin. Though, I'm not sure how good he is with just noses and some online reviews seem to indicate some are very unhappy with a rhinoplasty with him. He was recommended to me though.

LeFort 3000

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Re: rhinoplasty. is Europe worthwhile for US patients?
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2021, 01:35:04 PM »
NO. US surgeons are among the best in the world in regards to aesthetic nose surgery.


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Re: rhinoplasty. is Europe worthwhile for US patients?
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2021, 01:28:42 PM »
Not sure who in the US is worthwhile, but I take it then that I should just cancel my appt with Raffaini?