this is one of the biggest topics on the lastest congress of german mfk.s
it is not for all cases, but for those that apply it has a couple big advantages, in that it speeds up the process, as the teath can be moved much faster in the 4 months after the bimax, and also you do not have to eat with a f**ked up bite for a year.
for the nerds, these are the five studies that have been referenced in the press release, two of them being meta studies
Almpani K, Kantarci A (2016) Surgical Methods for 8 Camacho AD, Velasquez Cujar SA (2014) Dental 21 ang CS, Hsu SS
the Acceleration of the Orthodontic Tooth movement accel -P, Chen Y
Movement. Front Oral Biol 18:92– eration. Literature review by an -R (2014) Systematic
101. alternative scientific evidence method. World J review of the surgery
doi:10.1159/000382051 Methodol 4(3):151– -first approach in orthognathic
162. doi:10.5662/wjm.v4.i3.151 surgery. Biomed J 37(4):184–
36 38
Peiro Sharma VK, Yadav K, Tandon P (2015) An overview
-Guijarro MA, Guijarro- of surgery
Martinez R, Hernandez -first approach. Recent advances in
- orthognathic surgery. J Orthod Sci 4(1):9–
Alfaro F (2016) Surgery first in orthognathic surgery. 12.
A systematic review of the literature. Am J Orthod doi:10.4103/2278-
Dentofacial Orthop 149(4):448– 203.149.609