Author Topic: Differences in potential outcomes between two surgical plans?  (Read 12 times)


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I have two relevant surgical plans I'm trying to compare. One is from G and the other is from a local surgeon with a lot of experience. I am independently weighing the cost differences, because of G's large costs, and the risks each surgeon could come with. I'd appreciate some help comparing the actual differences between the two plans I have.

G's plan-
Multisegment lefort I, BSSO, and genioplasty (said about 9mm lefort and 15mm BSSO)

Local Surgeon-
 lefort I,BSSO, (no genio or multisegment, although not because he doesn't do either just believes they are unnecessary)

The local surgeon's plan is a morph which I'm having trouble comparing to G's diagrams and visualizing myself. I think the morph looks good but have a few questions about comparing the two:

How accurate are morphs with experienced surgeons?
How different are the aesthetic and airway outcomes in both of these cases?
Ignoring risk, could I be leaving large aesthetic gains on the table by choosing the local surgeon based on these plans?

I'd also welcome any general discussion or comments on the plans themselves. Appreciate anyone taking the time to respond.