Author Topic: Do I need a more angular jawline or is it something else?  (Read 5465 times)


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Do I need a more angular jawline or is it something else?
« on: October 02, 2017, 07:06:49 PM »
I've always felt that my profile sucked. The rest of me isn't movie star material either, but every shot of me in profile ends up looking much worse than those taken from the front. People have asked if I have high body fat, but I'm 175cm and about 69kg. I go to the gym, and have a visible 6 pack. I think I just need more angularity to my face, but I'm not 100% sure where that is supposed to come from. I think that an insert or filler in my chin or under my jaw might do some good in creating more masculine lines, but I'm not sure exactly what procedure I need. Any suggestions?

This is me:

A goal look from profile - not what I hope to reasonably attain, but perhaps a target:


I'm also open to the idea that it might be something with my nose ( which I know is just large for my face) or my cheekbones or even something else, though I feel those are more difficult procedures. Money's not much of an issue, but more recovery and time. The goal is to look somewhat better than above average with little effort if possible.


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Re: Do I need a more angular jawline or is it something else?
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2017, 07:49:49 PM »
You're a fine looking dude and you should be happy where you are.

The look you've defined is not attainable for you except through extensive surgeries: including a chin wing (prepare for some nerve damage and loss of feeling), your orthagnathic profile is fine but I can tell from the soft tissue you have you would need jaw angle and chin implants (even after the chin wing) as well as a face-lift (20 grand right there for a good one) AND tightening of the platysmal muscles at your neck. Implants would only give you a puffy appearance so with your soft tissue you would need the neck muscles tightened as well as stretching the soft tissue (through a facelift). I'm a 100 percent sure about this --so at the very least you'd need extensive large jaw angle and wrap around chin implants combined with neck muscle tightening and a facelift (it would move your sideburns to behind your ears so you'd need to have electrolysis done to the back of your ear or risk looking like a TOTAL freak). Is all this really worth it for the look you want? I don't think so and there are no guarantees you'd achieve it even given all that work as your face is quite asymmetrical from the front so you have irregularities in your skeletal structure that cannot be fixed.


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Re: Do I need a more angular jawline or is it something else?
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2017, 08:58:39 PM »
You're a fine looking dude and you should be happy where you are.

The look you've defined is not attainable for you except through extensive surgeries: including a chin wing (prepare for some nerve damage and loss of feeling), your orthagnathic profile is fine but I can tell from the soft tissue you have you would need jaw angle and chin implants (even after the chin wing) as well as a face-lift (20 grand right there for a good one) AND tightening of the platysmal muscles at your neck. Implants would only give you a puffy appearance so with your soft tissue you would need the neck muscles tightened as well as stretching the soft tissue (through a facelift). I'm a 100 percent sure about this --so at the very least you'd need extensive large jaw angle and wrap around chin implants combined with neck muscle tightening and a facelift (it would move your sideburns to behind your ears so you'd need to have electrolysis done to the back of your ear or risk looking like a TOTAL freak). Is all this really worth it for the look you want? I don't think so and there are no guarantees you'd achieve it even given all that work as your face is quite asymmetrical from the front so you have irregularities in your skeletal structure that cannot be fixed.

Any reason why to get a chin wing if you're going to put a wrap around implant there anyway?  I kind of agree with the procedures you suggested otherwise.


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Re: Do I need a more angular jawline or is it something else?
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2017, 09:43:44 PM »
Any reason why to get a chin wing if you're going to put a wrap around implant there anyway?  I kind of agree with the procedures you suggested otherwise.

chin would likely not be enough and he would then need two. But even with chin wing most don't get the jaw angles he wants so I would then suggest wrap around implants. The problem is though that he arguably needs some chin and jaw projection first. I've seen people who have had this guy's starting point and have done jaw surgery PLUS wrap around implants (medpor with Yaremchuck) PLUS full facelift from Dr. Marten (in their thirties btw) and still don't have even half way to the type of jaw angles this guy wants. It's tough with the ethnic soft tissue and skin thickness especially. But we're looking at least a hundred grand worth of work here.


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Re: Do I need a more angular jawline or is it something else?
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2017, 10:04:00 PM »
You probably don't need any chin or jaw augmentation. Neither (jaw) implants nor chin wings.  Most likely a deep cervicoplasty--under the chin work that goes deep enough to remove deep fat and tighten the structures underneath the superficial muscle. Basically, a plastic surgery procedure. aka deep neck work/neck lift for clean cervico-mental angle.

edit: The original text said; 'Neither implants nor....' I added the word; 'jaw' in front of implants to clarify I meant jaw implants.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 09:27:49 AM by kavan »
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Re: Do I need a more angular jawline or is it something else?
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2017, 06:57:30 AM »
You're a fine looking dude and you should be happy where you are.

The look you've defined is not attainable for you except through extensive surgeries: including a chin wing (prepare for some nerve damage and loss of feeling), your orthagnathic profile is fine but I can tell from the soft tissue you have you would need jaw angle and chin implants (even after the chin wing) as well as a face-lift (20 grand right there for a good one) AND tightening of the platysmal muscles at your neck. Implants would only give you a puffy appearance so with your soft tissue you would need the neck muscles tightened as well as stretching the soft tissue (through a facelift). I'm a 100 percent sure about this --so at the very least you'd need extensive large jaw angle and wrap around chin implants combined with neck muscle tightening and a facelift (it would move your sideburns to behind your ears so you'd need to have electrolysis done to the back of your ear or risk looking like a TOTAL freak). Is all this really worth it for the look you want? I don't think so and there are no guarantees you'd achieve it even given all that work as your face is quite asymmetrical from the front so you have irregularities in your skeletal structure that cannot be fixed.

Well, you've certainly made me understand how radical a transformation I was suggesting. You're right, there's no way I would want to undergo a fraction of that, and $100k is definitely well out of the price range that's acceptable.

I guess I was trying to see any simple way to add some definition to my look rather than attain exactly what those 2 men have. I am in the plastic surgery capital of the world, so I feel like there's nothing wrong with exploring some minor(repeat minor and singular) procedures that could improve my features.

You mentioned two things that leapt out, plus I had one other thought. Not directly related to jaw surgery, but it seems like you and others are knowledgeable about more than that:

1) Ethnic soft tissue: Is this what is giving the sort of puffy look to my face? The darker skinned man is from the same part of the world as my background, so I thought some of his angularity was feasible. Is there anything I can do that is simple and would overcome this puffiness? One procedure that a dermatologist recommended as simple was removing the fat pockets from below my eyes that give me that sunken raccoon look. I think this might be related to soft tissue?

2) Apparently my face is quite asymmetrical from the front, haha. Is there anything to be done to offset or draw attention away from more prominent aspects of that asymmetry?

3) Given that reworking the jaw would be significant is there something simpler that could readjust the proportions on a different part of my face more suitable to the look I already have? Eg, maybe doing some sort of reduction on the nose?

I really appreciate the advice. if the answer to the above 3 is change nothing, then I can agree with that, but just curious.


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Re: Do I need a more angular jawline or is it something else?
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2017, 07:05:53 AM »
who is the indian guy?
"Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.”

had upper jaw surgery on 5th October 2015


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Re: Do I need a more angular jawline or is it something else?
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2017, 07:14:46 AM »
Sendhil Ramamurthy:

Probably most famous for being in Heroes.


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Re: Do I need a more angular jawline or is it something else?
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2017, 07:07:21 PM »
I've always felt that my profile sucked. The rest of me isn't movie star material either, but every shot of me in profile ends up looking much worse than those taken from the front. People have asked if I have high body fat, but I'm 175cm and about 69kg. I go to the gym, and have a visible 6 pack. I think I just need more angularity to my face, but I'm not 100% sure where that is supposed to come from. I think that an insert or filler in my chin or under my jaw might do some good in creating more masculine lines, but I'm not sure exactly what procedure I need. Any suggestions?

This is me:

A goal look from profile - not what I hope to reasonably attain, but perhaps a target:


I'm also open to the idea that it might be something with my nose ( which I know is just large for my face) or my cheekbones or even something else, though I feel those are more difficult procedures. Money's not much of an issue, but more recovery and time. The goal is to look somewhat better than above average with little effort if possible.

The guys in your aspirational pictures each have a BMI much much lower than yours.

If you worked on just the BMI  it could make a difference.   Add a possible sliding genioplasty for the chin and you might have an inexpensive and safe solution.


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Re: Do I need a more angular jawline or is it something else?
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2017, 09:19:40 PM »
Hmm, I'm at a 22.4 for BMI, but it's an imperfect measurement for body fat right? I also have a decent amount of muscle.

Like I said, other people I've asked have mentioned that I look like I need to lose weight on my face, but if I look at just a list of celeb heights and weights, it's not clear that going much lower would give me more definition.

I'm still happy to tone a bit more, but it's unlikely that I'll be able to lose more than 5 pounds more without starting to also lose muscle. I feel like there may just be some softness to my face.