Author Topic: Any Surgeons under Medicaid that can do CCW rotation and soft tissue correction?  (Read 1581 times)


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Looking for an OMS that can do a revision surgery under Medicaid insurance plan and can do CCW rotation with bone grafts.
I'm located in midwest.
Any suggestions?


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From what I understand, if you do your research you can probably get coverage for any one surgeon part of a network in a medicaid expansion state. As far as I know if you are in a medicaid expansion state and you qualify you basically pick an insurance company that essentially "manages" your medicaid, essentially you are on their plan. So the trick is to pick a company that has the surgeon you want.

For example in NY Dr. Sachs is in network for Emblemhealth, so if you are from NY(a medicaid expansion state) and pick them to manage your medicaid it should be covered.


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If you're a resident of MN, North Dakota, South Dakota, or Wisconsin contact Mayo Clinic (Rochester). Good luck with everything, tdawg.