Author Topic: Can removal of wisdom teeth as an adult cause a negative aesthetic impact?  (Read 3743 times)


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Can removal of unerupted wisdom teeth cause an adverse cosmetic impact? In this particular adult  case I’m thinking of (not mine), the teeth are straight and the problem associated with the wisdom teeth is intermittent infection. The treatment options are either removal of the four wisdom teeth or root canal of a wisdom tooth. Removal is currently planned.

It occurs to me that since the other teeth are so well-positioned, that removal of the four wisdom teeth might cause some loss of structural support for the current position, and that this should be avoided. That said, I couldn’t find any reference to this question online. I have a thought that the other teeth may move posteriorly with the loss of the wisdom teeth “pushing” them forward. Thoughts?


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Follow your intuition David.
My upper wisdom teeth have been removed last year and as a result my upper teeth have moved downward, forward and outward.
I've aged badly.
If something wrong occures, nobody will replace your WT.
Keep your wisdom teeth and don't let any greedy dentist fool you


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If you want an example of someone who has impacted WT removed, you can have a look at Scarlett Johanson.
She's still a beautiful woman but she has now a narrow face and looks kinda old / tired for her age (without make up)


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Can removal of unerupted wisdom teeth cause an adverse cosmetic impact? In this particular adult  case I’m thinking of (not mine), the teeth are straight and the problem associated with the wisdom teeth is intermittent infection. The treatment options are either removal of the four wisdom teeth or root canal of a wisdom tooth. Removal is currently planned.

It occurs to me that since the other teeth are so well-positioned, that removal of the four wisdom teeth might cause some loss of structural support for the current position, and that this should be avoided. That said, I couldn’t find any reference to this question online. I have a thought that the other teeth may move posteriorly with the loss of the wisdom teeth “pushing” them forward. Thoughts?

Removal of any tooth can affect structure and 'drift' of other teeth. But impacted wisdom teeth that get infected and are still at risk of infection due to their problematic orientation are probably best removed. People with 'spacious' jaws where the WT are fully erupted and oriented where they are easy to (self) clean such that they don't get cavities or infections in them can keep them for a long time though.

Aside from having to have them removed for a BSSO, the determining factor is IF they kick up infections and not their role in supporting structure or orientation of other teeth.

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Removal of any tooth can affect structure and 'drift' of other teeth. But impacted wisdom teeth that get infected and are still at risk of infection due to their problematic orientation are probably best removed. People with 'spacious' jaws where the WT are fully erupted and oriented where they are easy to (self) clean such that they don't get cavities or infections in them can keep them for a long time though.

Aside from having to have them removed for a BSSO, the determining factor is IF they kick up infections and not their role in supporting structure or orientation of other teeth.

That makes sense to me. Since they are prone to infection, I can understand the decision to remove them. Hopefully this has no negative cosmetic consequence.


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So David, don't forget to take pics of yourself now (especially your profile) and others 5 monthes after your surgery, to compare.
Good luck


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So David, don't forget to take pics of yourself now (especially your profile) and others 5 monthes after your surgery, to compare.
Good luck

It’s not me getting the removals. I’m also glad to realize that only his lower wisdom teeth will be removed. Further, they’re totally crooked.


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Can removal of unerupted wisdom teeth cause an adverse cosmetic impact? In this particular adult  case I’m thinking of (not mine), the teeth are straight and the problem associated with the wisdom teeth is intermittent infection. The treatment options are either removal of the four wisdom teeth or root canal of a wisdom tooth. Removal is currently planned.

It occurs to me that since the other teeth are so well-positioned, that removal of the four wisdom teeth might cause some loss of structural support for the current position, and that this should be avoided. That said, I couldn’t find any reference to this question online. I have a thought that the other teeth may move posteriorly with the loss of the wisdom teeth “pushing” them forward. Thoughts?

Talked to a guy last week.  Had a wisdom tooth removed as an adult at age 50.    Doctor broke his jaw extracting the wisdom tooth. 


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I have a similar question but about a root canal of a wisdom tooth. Can a root canal procedure cause negative aesthetic complications or jawbone resorption or anything like that?


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My brother had his 2 upper WT removed at 30 and my half sister had her 4 WT at 44.
Their dentists told them bull*** to convince them to do it as there  teeth were fully erupted and asymptomatical.

Both of them have complications because their dentists left piece of roots under the gum. My brother had a huge infection with even a pus ball in his cheek. He's still complaining. My sister has no infection but she has to go frequently to the dentist to check if everything is ok. However, she has migraines since her extractions ( maybe because each extraction narrows the jaw).

Aesthetically, their faces are narrower than before. My brother've aged a lot, like me my sister is ok.

I believe upper WT removal will be necessary for your friend too sooner or later (unless he has a class 2)

About roots canal : as you keep your teeth and keep chewing with it, you will have no bone loss. The ligament and the nerves around you teeth will remain and that's crucial.


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Re: Can removal of wisdom teeth as an adult cause a negative aesthetic impact?
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2017, 11:04:25 AM »
My brother had his 2 upper WT removed at 30 and my half sister had her 4 WT at 44.
Their dentists told them bull*** to convince them to do it as there  teeth were fully erupted and asymptomatical.

Both of them have complications because their dentists left piece of roots under the gum. My brother had a huge infection with even a pus ball in his cheek. He's still complaining. My sister has no infection but she has to go frequently to the dentist to check if everything is ok. However, she has migraines since her extractions ( maybe because each extraction narrows the jaw).

Aesthetically, their faces are narrower than before. My brother've aged a lot, like me my sister is ok.

I believe upper WT removal will be necessary for your friend too sooner or later (unless he has a class 2)

About roots canal : as you keep your teeth and keep chewing with it, you will have no bone loss. The ligament and the nerves around you teeth will remain and that's crucial.

What do you mean - unless he has a class 2?
I have a class 2, but not visible to anyone. I still thinking about BSSO but I have to remove lower WT TO do it. If I hadn't have to do it I would have decided to have double jaw surgery a long time ago.
Do you mean that for people with class 2 removal WT could have even more negative impact on once' appearance ?


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Re: Can removal of wisdom teeth as an adult cause a negative aesthetic impact?
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2017, 12:30:48 PM »
My surgeon told me that upper WT compensate some people's class 2.
I'm not sure it means worse aesthetical effects if you remove them.

What do you mean - unless he has a class 2?

If he has a class 2, his upper WT are in occlusion with his second lower molars. So they won't go down if he removes his lower WT.
If he is a class 1, his upper WT are in occlusion with his lower WT. With the removal of lower WT, his upper WT will probably move downward as you can see below.

Teeth are connected to the brain and are searching an opposing tooth to stop their eruption. (Don't now if it's clear enough lol I don't speak english very well)


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Re: Can removal of wisdom teeth as an adult cause a negative aesthetic impact?
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2017, 12:35:32 PM »
By the way, I wish everyday I have kept my WT. It was the biggest mistake of my life (and I've made huge mistake trust me)

If I had the choice between correcting my class 2 and removed teeth to have surgery, I would choose the first option. Youthful appearance worth more.
Unless you have health issue because of your retrognathia, such as sleep apnea, difficulties to eat properly, don't do surgery, it's my advice.


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Re: Can removal of wisdom teeth as an adult cause a negative aesthetic impact?
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2017, 04:46:38 PM »
I guess there aren't many images out there showing the affect of wisdom tooth removal on the face.  Do they still matter if they are not erupted or only partially?  I recall my mouth area looked ever so slightly more sucked in since I had all 4 removed. Nothing major at all but then again I wasn't really looking for any subtle changes in appearance from it.

I wonder if it makes more sense to remove bicuspids to let wisdom teeth grow in and forward? WT are bigger so maybe more important.


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Re: Can removal of wisdom teeth as an adult cause a negative aesthetic impact?
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2017, 05:52:04 PM »
I guess there aren't many images out there showing the affect of wisdom tooth removal on the face.  Do they still matter if they are not erupted or only partially?  I recall my mouth area looked ever so slightly more sucked in since I had all 4 removed. Nothing major at all but then again I wasn't really looking for any subtle changes in appearance from it.

I wonder if it makes more sense to remove bicuspids to let wisdom teeth grow in and forward? WT are bigger so maybe more important.

Models, who have GOOD jaws and cheek bones to begin with get the WT removed for more 'suck in' to the area between the cheeks and jaw. BUT it's bad form for an oral surgeon to announce that or show photos of it, most likely because it could be misconstrued by those wanting to 'look like a model' (who have no resemblance to one) who would request wisdom teeth removal for that effect. WT are the first to go BAD in people with small jaw bone structure and get WORSE with aging when the jaw shrinks and get riskier to remove with age and jaw shrinkage.
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