Author Topic: Please help me decide whether to have jaw surgery or not  (Read 6113 times)


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Re: Please help me decide whether to have jaw surgery or not
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2017, 05:48:59 PM »
You are laterally projected cheek-wise - anything more will take you into "unnatural at best" territory. Make sure if you do get something that isn't "artificial", that it is easily reversible if you don't like it.

I think the worst thing to try and do is "pre-empt" how you'll age by doing something permanent and potentially irreversible, especially in your particular case. You look like Kate Beckinsale in at least one of your pics. If you lengthen your mid face, you'll have more tooth show - but are you really prepped for the overall aesthetic change in proportions as a result? Correcting one "flaw" could throw the entire balance off - and if you look long-ish and sallow faced with a less feminine appearance, this could make you very unhappy indeed. 

Yes I would say that genioplasty is more safe. I'm more worried about WT removal to
double jaw surgery than about surgery itself.
I think prof Sailer lypholized cartilage would be the best solution for me, to augment cheeks and jaws but I am not sure about resorption. I am pretty sure I don't want any artificial implants in my face.
I think about double jaw surgery more as a prevention than a quick way to look perfect, because I am aware that I will age badly with my small and receding jaws.


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Re: Please help me decide whether to have jaw surgery or not
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2017, 05:49:58 PM »
Rest, of course. Just look at the photos. When she's smiling she has ideal tooth show.

This is a dangerous case. The odds of a surgeon making her worse are high.

Yeah I didn't really think about how/if tooth show mattered at rest.  Interesting but fortunately not my problem area to dwell on much. 


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Re: Please help me decide whether to have jaw surgery or not
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2017, 06:05:27 PM »
Many surgeons who get popular narrow down their practice to a certain "look"/age range of patient and proceed to do the same thing on all of them. This girl will be collateral damage.



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Re: Please help me decide whether to have jaw surgery or not
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2017, 06:13:40 PM »
I agree with everyone on here that you're an incredibly risky case. The odds of your nasal base/nose area looking unnatural with an advancement are pretty much guaranteed. I don't know about rotation though, CW or CCW. I'm no expert but I've only seen mostly bad results in person from jaw surgery, know many online and am not happy with how things turned out for me.

Also consider you will likely never feel your face completely normal again. I know the idea of cutting bones and placing things in a way that make someone beautiful, or fixes an abnormality, or some functional issue, can be appealing. Yet truth be told, later you'll feel stiffness/weakness/sensitivity and possibly shrug at the idea of what was done to you. If going through it means an improvement in most any way, it'll be justified and life changing for the better. If, on the other hand, you come to regret the procedure because of a worst outcome, you'll be in for some panic attacks.

On a last note, if you reeeally want this and have the possibility of consulting Gunson, I'd check with him first.


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Re: Please help me decide whether to have jaw surgery or not
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2017, 01:54:02 AM »
You are laterally projected cheek-wise - anything more will take you into "unnatural at best" territory. Make sure if you do get something that isn't "artificial", that it is easily reversible if you don't like it.

I think the worst thing to try and do is "pre-empt" how you'll age by doing something permanent and potentially irreversible, especially in your particular case. You look like Kate Beckinsale in at least one of your pics. If you lengthen your mid face, you'll have more tooth show - but are you really prepped for the overall aesthetic change in proportions as a result? Correcting one "flaw" could throw the entire balance off - and if you look long-ish and sallow faced with a less feminine appearance, this could make you very unhappy indeed.

If I had a chin and gums show when smiling like Kate Beckinsale has  I would never think about surgery ;) I know that my problem is mostly small and receding chin what you can see on the second photo. I ckecked chin wing but I don't want to lost mandubilar angles. And I worry that genioplasty will give my nice look from the profile but long and not natural looking chin from frontal view.

Reggardinf cheeks I meant only anterior augmention. The cheekbones are wise but flat from the frontal view.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2017, 02:03:47 AM by Kingusia87 »


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Re: Please help me decide whether to have jaw surgery or not
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2017, 11:47:13 AM »
If I had a chin and gums show when smiling like Kate Beckinsale has  I would never think about surgery ;) I know that my problem is mostly small and receding chin what you can see on the second photo. I ckecked chin wing but I don't want to lost mandubilar angles. And I worry that genioplasty will give my nice look from the profile but long and not natural looking chin from frontal view.

Reggardinf cheeks I meant only anterior augmention. The cheekbones are wise but flat from the frontal view.

Maybe time to THINK about bi max surgery NOT making you look like Kate Beckinsale and instead pronouncing your nose more forward where the triangled nostril notches (tell tale sign of rhino) and thick tip will just show more as will the pronounced upper lip. I think your worries about genioplasty are justified especially if it's something to do expecting to look MORE like a celeb. If you've had good success with filler, then maybe stick with that or re-evaluate your aversion to implants to augment the desired areas.
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Re: Please help me decide whether to have jaw surgery or not
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2017, 01:30:23 PM »

You are a beautiful girl. Your smile is perfect and your face well balanced.
I saw that your WT are not erupted, so you are probably 18-20 years old. Your face will probably change and in a good way.

I didn't see any jaw difformity.

You don't want implant but you will have titanium screw in your face if you undergo jaw surgery.

So... do nothing. I agree with everyone.


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Re: Please help me decide whether to have jaw surgery or not
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2017, 01:31:00 PM »

I am thinking about getting a jaw surgery for a long time, around 3 years and now I feel is a high time to decide whether to do it or not. I visited a few maxillofacial surgeons and everyone agreed that I need genioplasty, one or two of them agreed to do double jaw surgery when I asked to do so. Now I have a filler in my chin so it is hard to assess my chin but I added one photo before chin filler.

What I want to achieve thought surgery:

1. More visible upper teeth
2. stronger lower jaw,
3. when I smile I have too much fat on cheeks I would like to have longer face
4. I Don't like frontal view of my face

I don't know why you want more tooth show, do you want to have a gummy smile? Your profile currently looks very nice, they did an amazing job on your chin fillers. A slightly stronger lower jaw would not be much an improvement. I am really shocked you want a longer midface, you actually look like you would need CCW if you got jaw surgery.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 10:36:01 AM by kavan »


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Re: Please help me decide whether to have jaw surgery or not
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2017, 09:16:29 AM »

I am thinking about getting a jaw surgery for a long time, around 3 years and now I feel is a high time to decide whether to do it or not. I visited a few maxillofacial surgeons and everyone agreed that I need genioplasty, one or two of them agreed to do double jaw surgery when I asked to do so. Now I have a filler in my chin so it is hard to assess my chin but I added one photo before chin filler.

What I want to achieve thought surgery:

1. More visible upper teeth
2. stronger lower jaw,
3. when I smile I have too much fat on cheeks I would like to have longer face
4. I Don't like frontal view of my face

Hate to beat the proverbial dead horse on this one, , but I agree...DON'T touch your face. You've got nice balance, great lips, great smile; plenty of tooth showing when smiling. I think the overall consensus is: if you went through with the jaw surgery,  the outcome (change) might  be so mininmal that only you and the OS would know about it. That's presuming it goes perfect. The only observation I made would be the chin (but it's so subtle and doesn't take away). Best wishes
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 10:35:34 AM by kavan »


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Re: Please help me decide whether to have jaw surgery or not
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2017, 05:24:36 PM »
NOTICE: To Kingusia 87

re your report to the mods: [Could you pls remove this link with my photos? Thank you]

You can edit your OWN posts to remove the link to your photos. You can also remove your photos on IMGUR and DROPBOX so the link does not work any more.
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Re: Please help me decide whether to have jaw surgery or not
« Reply #25 on: October 22, 2017, 12:36:30 AM »
NOTICE: To Kingusia 87

re your report to the mods: [Could you pls remove this link with my photos? Thank you]

You can edit your OWN posts to remove the link to your photos. You can also remove your photos on IMGUR and DROPBOX so the link does not work any more.

I cannot edit my posts - It was possible only for a short while after posting, I couldn't even  correct my grammar mistake in another post  after one hour from posting.
I know I can modify photos in Dropbox but in Imgur I cannot - I think I posted it by mistake as a anonymous and now I cannot find this album and modify it.
That's why I only ask for removing the link from Imgur , I'll  appreciate your help.


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Re: Please help me decide whether to have jaw surgery or not
« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2017, 10:39:01 AM »
I cannot edit my posts - It was possible only for a short while after posting, I couldn't even  correct my grammar mistake in another post  after one hour from posting.
I know I can modify photos in Dropbox but in Imgur I cannot - I think I posted it by mistake as a anonymous and now I cannot find this album and modify it.
That's why I only ask for removing the link from Imgur , I'll  appreciate your help.


If other posters on this string are wondering why Kavan edited their posts, it was to remove LINKS to the OP's photos.
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